
magic (12), creatures (9), witches (8), magic school (6), freinds (6), Wizards (6), action (6), challenges (6), orphan (6), regular guy (5), Time and space (5), travelers (5), adventure (5), evil (4), voldemort (3), dark fantasy (3), knights (3), discworld (3), illustrations (3), england (3), awesome pictures (2), fantasy (2), islands (2), creative (2), curse (2), imaginative (2), hours (2), seas (2), Chickentown (2), wizards (2), london (2), archepelego (2), Alternate history (2), demons (2), fun (2), dark (2), Dreams (1), seven syblings (1), skulls (1), goon (1), brain loss (1), disguise as boy (1), acciedent (1), English city (1), celestial (1), merchant (1), pretty girls (1), constellations (1), technology (1), awesome machines (1), flaming swords (1), unexpected (1), dark creatures (1), farms industry (1), hags (1), Dwarfs (1), lances (1), Summer (1), Future (1), Orphans (1), horcrux (1), Magic (1), death (1), Archeology (1), werewolf (1), Trilogy (1), alternate world (1), Riders (1), atlantis (1), medical ethics (1), Swords (1), searching for truth (1), Voldemort (1), memory loss (1), lord (1), Heroes (1), Dragons (1), freindship (1), Nac Mac Feegles (1), tournement (1), pheonix (1), spiders (1), basilisk (1), dogs (1), hippogriff (1), monsters (1), time (1), sirius (1), godfather (1), alternate universe (1), conspiracy (1), time travel (1), history (1), broom stick (1), unicorn (1), fairies (1), wand (1), kid (1), scifi (1), dragons (1), mystery (1), winter (1), lies (1), urchins (1), abduction (1), nac mac feegle (1), longevity (1), jousts (1), shrinking (1), Memory loss (1), moon (1), pirates (1), insects (1), stars (1), naval (1), apprentice (1), Elves (1), bugs (1), queen (1), pilots (1), horses (1), horse (1), ship (1), king (1), cats (1), control (1), funny (1), Hilarious book about a football player who is forced into helping out the drama class's play. About a dog who dies. (1)
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Feb 1, 2007
About My Library
The historical fiction in my library is mainly about girls in Victorian England who dress up as someone else. I don't put manga in my library because it goofs up my Librarything suggester, but if you have anything to say about it, go ahead and say it!
About Me
Hi! I enjoy reading (naturally), myths, legends, and fantasy! And Manga! While most people you meet will be in love with vampires, I prefer demons or dragons. I also like action or adventure movies, and really any movies other than romantic or westerns. I play an instrument and am a (I hope) very cool geek. My favourite mythical animal is a Griffin. I also like historical fiction (which helps me ace history tests).

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