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Aotearoa New zealand (2), natural farming (2), climate crisis (2), USA (2), green technology (2), community gardens (2), transition towns (2), zero waste (2), veges (2), eco careers (2), global solutions (2), power (2), maori medicine (2), sun (2), consumption (2), stand alone systems (2), Appliances (2), rongoa (2), water conservation (2), sustainable building (2), ecological building (2), baking (2), superbia (2), social marketing (2), soil fertility (2), green cities (2), reduce (2), Permaculture (2), energy crisis (2), Food (2), energy saving (2), children (2), village life (2), cities (2), overfishing (2), urban (2), earth (2), overpopulation (2), spirituality (2), communication (2), lightning (2), buildings (2), management (2), agriculture (2), bread (2), weed (2), curriculum (2), rural (2), orchards (2), stuff (2), population (2), beauty (2), Water (2), development (2), cancer (2), recycle (2), pest control (2), degradation (2), wind power (2), fruits (2), soil (2), policy (2), 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Apr 5, 2010
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About My Library
We have a small library within the EcoHub at EcoMatters in New Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Our books focus on all subjects 'eco'.
About Me
EcoMatters is an Environment Centre based in Auckland, New Zealand. We have been in operation for 14 years carrying out a number of projects that benefit our environment and the community.
1 Olympic Place, New Lynn, Auckland 0600