
Your library (1,072)
Autobiography & Biography (179), Christian Life & Practice (81), Bible Based for Children (60), Bible Study Aids (46), Devotionals (37), Bible Commentaries -- NT (Epistles) (32), Prayer (32), Parenting (28), Fiction for Juniors (25), Apologetics (24), Teaching Aids for Small Children (24), Children—Responses to Situations in Life (23), Fiction for Youth & Adults (22), Christian Women (22), Bibles & Scripture Portions (21), Marriage (21), Health - Emotional (21), Family (20), Bible -- Personalities (19), Bible Commentaries -- NT (Gospels & Acts) (19), Missions (18), Christology (Life of Christ) (16), Doctrine & Theology (16), Cults & Religions (15), Christian Education (14), Christianity & Social Problems (12), Evangelism (11), PJ (10), Eschatology (End Times) (9), Afflictions/Suffering (9), Discipleship & Mentoring (9), Youth Ministry (9), Bible Commentaries -- OT (Poetical Books) (9), Spiritual Beings (9), Archaeology/Antiquities (8), Finances (8), Church History (8), Fiction for Young Teens (6), Church Fellowship (6), Bible Based for Juniors (6), Bible Commentaries -- OT (Prophetical Books) (6), Christian Men (6), Christian Ethics (6), Bible Commentaries (5), Christian Mothers (5), Salvation & Grace (5), Hospitality - Homemaker (4), Christian Classics (4), Bible Based for Young Teens (4), Children (4), Church Government & Administration (4), Christian Leadership (4), Christian Fathers (4), Bible Commentaries -- OT (Law) (3), Creation & Evolution (3), Counseling (3), Bible Commentaries — NT (Gospels & Acts) (3), Finance (2), Bible Commentaries -- NT (Revelation) (2), Science & Religion (2), Fiction for Children (2), Bible Commentaries — OT (Law) (2), Bible Commentaries -- OT (Historical Books) (1), Bible Commentaries - Index to 6 Volume McGee Series (1), Work & Leisure (1), Christian Life & Pratice (1), Christian Young Adults (1), Stewardship (1), Health - Physical (1), Bible -- Commentaries OT (Poetical Books) (1), Christian Life and Practice (1), Christian Conduct (1), Eschatology [End Times] (1)
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Apr 11, 2013
Real Name
Grace Bible Community Church
About My Library
Obviously, nearly all of our books are religious in nature. We want to be accessible to the community of Halsey and are working on a project with others to help promote and fund the renovation of a new public library in town. Some of our church library books may go into the religious section of the public library when this project is realized.
About Me
At the request of Pastor Black, retired Wycliffe Missionary Sam Miller catalogued books that had been purchased or donated to GBCC for a church library. Thank you, Sam!
Halsey, Oregon