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Mar 9, 2009
Real Name
GGLO LLC: Architecture | Interior Design | Landscape Arch
About My Library
GGLO exists to forge innovative solutions that elevate the quality and spirit of life. We help create and revitalize communities—building-by-building and block-by-block.

Community is about connection, and so is our approach to design and knowledge. We thoroughly integrate urban planners, architects, landscape architects, and interior designers. With all the key players under one roof and on the same page, the process is smoother, the work better. Our approach enables us to design spaces that are more functional, more beautiful, and more sustainable.

Of course, community begins at home. That's why we've established a true sense of connectedness within our own walls. The creation of this library is to support our mission of being community minded while bringing and sharing the best knowledge and resouces available.
About Me
We offer complete, integrated design services in a single firm. As our clients will tell you, our approach offers many benefits. Among them:

Better design. It's simple: when you integrate all your designers, your design will have greater integrity. By handling the big picture as well as the smaller but equally crucial details, we help ensure consistency and coherence in your project. Motifs and considerations established in the planning phase are carried through to execution, resulting in a more holistically realized space.

Design that is more sustainable. As anyone who has developed a sustainable project can tell you, getting across the finish line with your vision intact can be a challenge. Here, the goals we begin with are the goals we achieve. By maintaining an unbroken flow of work and communication, we reduce the likelihood of sustainability initiatives getting bogged down or dropped altogether.

A more efficient and enjoyable design process. Imagine it: You come to a meeting, and everyone you need to talk to, every key mind on your project, is at the table, up to speed and on the same page. With all services in one firm, we're able to present you with complete, all-in-one design solutions that are more convenient, more efficient, and, quite often, more cost-effective.

Our Services
From the biggest of plans to the smallest details, our services are, in a word, comprehensive.

Feasibility and Development Studies
Entitlement and Permitting
Master Planning
Zoning and Building Code Analysis
Pre-Design and Programming
Public Process and Facilitation
Design Charrettes
Urban Design
Space Planning
Sustainable Design / LEED® documentation
Landscape Architecture
Architectural Design
Interior Design
Lighting Design
Fixture and Furniture Design
Rendering and Graphic Design
Building Information Modeling
Construction Documentation
Construction Administration and Observation
Post-occupancy Evaluations
Seattle, Washington