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Aug 13, 2013
Real Name
John Gear Law Office LLC
About My Library
I founded the Nonprofit Organizations Law Section within the Oregon State Bar, and I created this LT account as a way to help nonprofits in the Salem area access some of the many resources I have that are helpful to nonprofits.
About Me
An engineer-turned-attorney, I was a Navy enlisted man, nuclear submarine officer, senior engineer, technical writer and editor, and operations management consultant before attending law school on a full scholarship. Graduating 2nd in a class of 120, I worked as a research attorney for two years for the Michigan Court of Appeals before serving as a regulatory attorney for the Michigan Public Service Commission and then as a specialist for the Oregon Department of Energy.

I grew up as the youngest child of five in an economically challenged household. Had I not enlisted in the Navy and then won an NROTC scholarship, I would probably not have gone to college, as my next two older siblings did not. I did not know any lawyers until I was over 30 years old, a former submarine officer, and was working as a senior engineer -- so I have a lot of insight that lawyers who enter law school right after college can never have.

My biggest strength is creative intelligence -- not just the ability to analyze problems but to come up with new and different ideas for solving those problems. Partly this is a result of having had a full and active life before becoming an attorney at age 43 --- I am not someone who immediately assumes that an expensive legal battle is the best approach to a dispute.

My style is informal and collegial -- I know from having worked at the most menial jobs throughout high school and college that there are plenty of very bright people who don't attain higher education, but who deserve respect for their intelligence and character.
Personal interests:

I'm working hard to learn to grow fruits and vegetables. I like to walk and bicycle as much as possible and to take the train to explore new places. I read widely and like to play chess whenever I can, and when my two cats haven't hidden the pieces.

Bar Number: 073810
Oregon , 2007


Thomas M. Cooley Law School
Juris Doctorate , 2004
Lansing, MI
• Certificate in Administrative Law
• Selected for National Trial Team Competition Team
• Completed 30-hour training and earned certificate as a Civil Mediator
Washington State University
Master of Engineering Management , 1993
Richland, WA
Quality Management
University of Wisconsin
Bachelor of Science , 1984
Madison, WI
Nuclear Engineering
161 High ST SE STE 208B

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