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He was a shadowy and contradictory figure — a revolutionary (1), Oil (1), an activist and organizer (1), Historical fiction about King David (1), wars between tribes (1), history of Isreal (1), Life during WWII in Europe (1), socialism ideology (1), Autism (1), bewitching attributes of nature (1), isolationism vs foreign involvement (1), spiritual contest (1), Individuality (1), Apalachia (1), Chechen war (1), coming-of age (1), Self realization (1), Arctic exploration (1), family responsibility (1), missionaries in africa (1), post-Nazi Germany (1), immigation (1), Indian nationalism (1), consequences of war (1), Walter Benjamin (1), adulation (1), Jallianwala Bagh massacre (1), collaboration with Nazis (1), Russian labour camps (1), power and corruption (1), religious zealousness (1), Martinique (1), Vietnamese war (1), psychological stamina (1), fascination with "the rich" (1), questions of love (1), CIA in foreign countries (1), perspective from Austin individual (1), adventure (1), Mornonism (1), juxtapositioning of 9-11-2001 (1), rebuilding of German culture post war (1), American allies in East Berlin (1), human right abuses (1), Indigenous people post civil war (1), Amorphorism (1), small northern community Canada (1), personal growth and failures (1), transparency of fame (1), superficiality of some friendships (1), Undercover CIA (1), US political power and international political manipulation (1), Russian Oligarch power (1), shadowy world of CIA (1), feelings of persecution (1), Milo Weaver charactor (1), subugation (1), espionage (?? I guess eventually) (1), Southern Georgia 1950’s (1), “The Redeemer” (1), violence vs non-violence (1), Harlem uprisings 1950’s (1), police murder of unarmed African Americans (1), human indignity & humiliation (1), French Resistance movement (1), sexual identity Hermaphroditism (1), movie and porn industry (1), hardship of making a living in NYC (1), New York City in 1940’s (1), self-liberalization (1), the fragility of happiness (1), paranoia and delusions of grandeur (1), human genocide (1), Jamaica 1790-early 1800’s (1), Childhood memories and perceptions (1), Money (1), Rimbaud’s prose (1), narrative by young woman (1), loss of mother as young girl (1), learning to cope with parental dysfunctionality (1), balance of truth and bullshit (1), sense of impending disaster (1), finding equilibrium in a volatile world of uncertainty (1), foster relationships (1), tabu affair (1), intimate lives of Chinese women (1), unique chinese women’s language (1), coming of age of young women (1), search for “warm polar arctic far north” (1), Everest climb (1), Vietnamese war's aftermath (1), socialist and capitalist idealogies (1), drug and gangsters alignment with capitalist opportunism (1), questions of: Solidarity (1), Political neutrality. 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