
history (10), River Murray (9), early settlers (4), Genealogy (4), Family history (4), sport (3), Murray Bridge (3), geology (3), genealogy (3), family history (3), Randell (2), descendants (2), Lutheran Church (2), German Settlers (2), agriculture (2), Locks (2), Australian explorers (2), education (2), east (2), landowner (2), River Murray Commission (2), river history (2), research (2), Mannum rotunda in flood (1), Surveyors Camp (1), Ruby Hunter (1), Murray Wildlife (1), Murray River Steamers (1), Murray Geology and Geography (1), Mannum History (1), Sir Thomas Playford (1), Famous Women on the Murray (1), South Australian Governt Tourist Bureau Adelaide (1), schools (1), Fish of the Murray (1), flood mitigation (1), Early settlers (1), Paddle Boats (1), identification of birds (1), railway bridge (1), Dark sky (1), South Australia History (1), agriculturists (1), Aboriginal astronomy (1), German place names (1), river geography (1), barrages (1), local identities (1), irrigators (1), submerged ships (1), Floodwaters (1), records of deaths (1), Mannum history (1), Turbidy (1), Germany Settlement (1), Nomenclature committee's report on enemy place names (1), Aboriginal element in South Australia's Geographical Nomenclature15 (1), Wild ducks (1), swamp birds (1), the German contribution (1), Imperial Adelaide (1), early German settlement (1), historical summary of events (1), business and Industry (1), history of doctors at Mannum. (1), Geran Settlers (1), District Councils (1), storekepes (1), Murray Mallee Farming (1), Small district schools (1), South Australians 1836-1885 (1), Early Germanic history of South Australia (1), onion industry (1), geomorphic zones (1), copper and gold mine (1), Mannum Dry Dock (1), Swanport Bridge (1), Mannum local identity (1), early local businesses (1), disrict council (1), murray mallee farming (1), Palmer school (1), palmer cemetery (1), country & city (1), histoircalm locations (1), 1956 flood (1), Renmark & Paringa (1), Berri & Bamera (1), Loxton & Waikerie (1), Mid Murray (1), Rivver Murray flood levels (1), South Australian Fire Services (1), hospital history (1), Historic sites (1), stories of people (1), Explorer (1), post office (1), mail (1), Cornish (1), wills (1), dreamtime (1), irrigation (1), firefighters (1), Flood (1), sunken ships (1), river boats (1), early settlement (1), German culture (1), hydrology (1), burials (1), arson (1), floods (1), historic buildings (1), military (1), families (1), religion (1), deaths (1), soldiers (1), teachers (1), shipwrecks (1), birth (1), land use (1), students (1), battles (1), environmental (1), poets (1), river (1), horticulture (1), songs (1), copper (1), ferries (1), miming (1), Migration (1), Germany (1), Nursing (1), early history (1), cemetery (1), Emigration (1), Aborigines (1), Women Pioneers (1), WW!! (1), Land use (1), biography (1), Irrigation (1), ancestory (1), River Boats (1), Lutheran church (1), jetties (1), pipeline (1), aboriginal culture (1), church records (1), Dreamtime (1), salinity (1), Aboriginal History (1), pastoralists (1), depression years (1), Alexandrina (1), South Australian History (1), volunteers (1), enlistment (1), relics (1), records (1), pioneers (1), farming (1), council (1), railway (1), mungo (1), South Australian families (1)
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Sep 24, 2023