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(2), national survey (1), longitudinal studies (1), television personalities (1), LGBTQI community (1), community engagement (1), grief therapy (1), mental health services (1), mental health laws (1), erase stigma (1), combat stress (1), mental wellness (1), survivors of suicide (1), stroke recovery (1), convince someone (1), veterans' families (1), group home (1), effective management (1), stress and anxiety (1), mental health policy (1), schizoaffective disorder (1), suicide of a sibling (1), re-affiliation process (1), reduce incarceration (1), Nobel Prize winner (1), respond (1), research planery (1), data (1), FaithNet networking (1), consumer council (1), hope (1), actors (1), brothers (1), restoration (1), siblings (1), Steven McCarroll (1), child (1), Sarah lisanby (1), tragedy (1), Prozac (1), Evans (1), suicide of a parent (1), panic attack (1), deinstitutionalization (1), proactive (1), dealing with stress (1), Alcoholics Anonymous (1), Spanish (1), ER (1), OCD (1), Denver 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(1), end executions (1), violent tragedies (1), Depression and Anxiety (1), parent with mental illness (1), rural Alaska (1), child suicide (1), new biz (1), old biz (1), stamp out (1), major endogenous depression (1), Victorian asylum (1), blue days (1), blue mood (1), long-term mental illness (1), hospitilization (1), social conditions (1), parental trauma (1), delivery of behavioral care (1), mental illness treatments (1), mental illness prevention (1), structural stigma (1), children (1), handle (1), women's rights (1), substance abuse (1), middle age (1), help (1), asylum (1), insight (1), caregivers (1), meditation (1), worry (1), guns (1), health (1), public health (1), diversity (1), case studies (1), therapy (1), self-realization (1), experience (1), health insurance (1), stress (1), service dogs (1), rehabilitation (1), treatment (1), public housing (1), ADHD (1), encouragement (1), letting go (1), stroke (1), BPD (1), convention (1), post traumatic stress disorder (1), 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classes (1), VA (1), interpersonal relations (1), dialectical behavior therapy (1), developing (1), right brain (1), develop (1), vets (1), men (1), intimacy (1), career changes (1), alcohol addiction (1), Harrington (1), comedians (1), wellness (1), physical disability (1), collaborative (1), paranoid schizophrenia (1), A.A. (1), left brain (1), veteran (1), grant writing (1), Feldman (1), solutions (1), social (1), child psychotherapy (1), federal (1), 1 day (1), jails (1), panic disorder (1), interpersonal relationships (1), discouragement (1), build (1), tell your story (1), low self-esteem (1), closing (1), military council (1)
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Jun 24, 2021
Real Name
NAMI Alaska
About My Library
The library at the Fairbanks NAMI office is a collection of materials relating to various issues encountered by people with mental illness and those who care about them. They range from medical books about mental illness to memoirs writting by those who have mental illness and those who care about them. These materials are available for checkout along with other information about mental illness.
About Me
NAMI Alaska is the statewide umbrella organization for Alaska's four regional NAMI affiliates in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and the North Slope. We provide education, support, advocacy, and public awareness so that all individuals affected by mental illness can build better lives. You're not alone, and we're glad you're here.