
Apr 30, 2024
Private Catalog
About My Library

The ultimate inventory of all media in the house: books, movies, music, magazines, comics, even computer games! Am I doing this for those pretty LT stats? Partially, yes :D But I truly have also been wanting to revamp the inventory of books that I have, update the movies and music, and finally put in the magazines, comics, and games that I have still never inventoried. Had I known LT was free back in 2020, I would have started inventorying back then, but alas, better late than never! This is also a great way to keep up with LCC and DDC classing everything, especially since OCLC took down their free classifying record search *grumble*

This will vehemently NOT include things that have been borrowed, owned e-books, or any tbr books--that's what Goodreads is for! I MAY end up adding some select things that I no long have, but once had, for nostalgia and memory's sake.

Now, don't disturb me, I'm wasting valuable reading time inputting inventory...

About Me

Reading books, buying books, and inventorying books are three separate and completely unrelated hobbies.

United States
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