
All collections (1,747), Fiction (898), To give away (6), Oversize (5), Household (22), Comics (102), Nonfiction (576), Reference (50), Bridge (62), Kitchen (64), Music (47), Borrowed from Library (11), Your library (9)
fiction (879), nonfiction (577), children's (446), fantasy (247), nederlands (149), textbook (125), humor (113), games (108), comics (99), sf (87), science (83), cookbook (82), history (79), classic (74), bridge (62), reference (62), philosophy (51), teaching (44), math (42), religion (38), physics (36), computers (35), astronomy (35), biography (30), RPG (25), music (22), parenting (22), inspiration (20), sports (19), manual (17), pagan (17), christian (15), autobiography (14), home improvement (14), writing (13), quotations (13), historical (13), mythology (13), women (11), DTWOF (11), politics (10), FoxTrot (9), How To (9), SCA (9), classical (9), Doonesbury (8), health (8), Dilbert (8), Claire (7), outdoors (7), script (7), manga (7), FBFW (7), art (7), puzzles (6), race (6), economics (6), francais (5), Suske & Wiske (5), gardening (5), hinduism (5), MegaTokyo (5), sexuality (5), short stories (4), guides (4), poetry (4), borrowed from library (4), women's studies (4), Bloom County (4), activism (4), chemistry (4), morality (3), organization (3), wedding (3), diet (3), self-help (3), psychology (3), dystopia (3), Vijftien (3), goddess (3), buddhism (3), Autobiography (3), CTY text (3), Far Side (2), Calvin & Hobbes (2), Girl Scouts (2), young adult (2), atlas (2), science fiction (2), morals (2), cards (2), self-improvement (2), communication (2), skepticism (2), audio (2), scripts (2), philosophy of mind (2), Physicists (2), library (2), travel (2), greece (1), FarSide (1), biochemistry (1), Computer (1), vijftien (1), non-narrative (1), wicca (1), Christian (1), England (1), delirium (1), food (1), acquaintance (1), biology (1), adventure (1), mystery (1), movies (1), narrative (1), Bible (1), pets (1), genetics (1), economy (1), greek myths (1), primary (1), cosmology (1), finance (1), CHS (1), opinion (1), computer (1), nutrition (1), Taoism (1), songs (1), sewing (1), learning disabilities (1), massage (1), history politics (1), UserFriendly (1), bidding (1), islam (1), lent Naomi (1)
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Aug 26, 2006
About My Library
The Music, Kitchen, and Bridge collections refer to locations as well as subject areas. Both the Fiction and Nonfiction collections live in the booknook, and Reference is a subset of Nonfiction.
About Me
This is a family library (maintained by the anal-retentive adult), as all of us share books quite promiscuously (within the house). Though sometimes our books wander off to friends' houses for a visit.
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