
sexual behavior (34), health (29), sex (29), teens/youth (28), STIs (sexually transmitted infections) (25), sexuality (24), parenting (24), education (21), drugs (19), family (18), psychology (17), sexual health (16), relationships (16), treatment (15), communication (15), hygiene (15), women's health (14), AIDS (14), LGBQ* (14), children (14), research (12), pregnancy (12), programs and programming (12), health care (12), sexual orientation (12), puberty (12), women (12), gender identity (11), mental health (11), disabilities (11), diseases (10), safety (10), reference (10), homosexuality (10), bisexuals (10), Canada (9), immigrants (9), HIV (9), culture (9), gays (9), transgender people (8), safe sex (8), harm reduction (8), psychological aspects (8), sex instruction for teenagers (8), child rearing (8), feminism (7), domestic abuse (7), policy (7), sexual activity (7), violence (7), birth control (7), social conditions (7), teenage boys (7), myths (7), abuse (7), gender (7), lesbians (7), drug abuse (7), alcohol (7), reproductive health (7), rehabilitation (7), sex instruction for boys (6), self-esteem (6), self-help (6), parent and child (6), immigrant youth (6), physiology (6), multicultural (6), diagnosis (6), Manitoba (6), sex role (6), sexual hygiene (6), sexual assault (6), older adults (6), sex education (6), social service (6), community health services (5), sex instruction (5), law and legislation (5), QUEER (5), Aboriginal women (5), sex instruction for children (5), minorities (5), refugees (5), teaching (5), family life (5), birth (5), preventing pregnancy (5), history (5), Islam (5), masculinity (5), Winnipeg (4), contraception and contraceptive options (4), Hepatitis C (4), curriculum (4), young adult (4), sex instruction for mentally handicapped children (4), abortion (4), sex instruction for youth (4), individuality (4), injection drug users (IDU) (4), mother and child (4), adoption (4), sex instruction for women (4), teenage girls (4), self-esteem in women (4), women immigrants (4), sexual problems (4), sexual disorders (4), sexual harassment (4), dating (4), female genital mutilation (FGM) (4), socialization (4), coming out (4), learning (4), social sciences (4), sexual ethics (4), physical activity (4), skills building (4), anatomy (4), politics (3), Aboriginal peoples (3), life cycles (3), sexual abuse (3), family violence (3), human reproduction (3), medicine (3), newborn (3), sexology (3), illness (3), counseling (3), parent and teenager (3), condoms (3), traditions (3), impotence (3), gangs (3), healthy living (3), sex customs (3), stereotypes (3), femininity (3), middle aged persons (3), body image (3), policy development (3), transsexuals (3), social aspects (3), philosophy (3), victims of abuse (3), sex counseling (3), masturbation (3), nutrition (3), SEXUAL HEALTH (3), sexism (3), multilingual (3), blood-borne pathogens (3), infants (3), early years (3), men (3), fertility (3), ethnicity (3), ANTI-RACISM (2), INDIGENOUS (2), queer theory (2), WHITE SUPREMACY (2), DECOLINIZE (2), sex instruction for people with mental disabilities (2), youth and war (2), child-molesting (2), sexual function (2), NON-BINARY (2), interpersonal relations (2), adult child sexual abuse victims (2), PLEASURE (2), longitudinal studies (2), stigmatization (2), RACISM (2), sexual minorities (2), Canadian Muslims (2), Black women (2), TRANS (2), HEALTH (2), special needs in education (2), sex instruction for girls (2), Aboriginal gay men (2), interpersonal relations in adolescence (2), SEX (2), gender diversity (2), out-of-town birth (2), sexual rights (2), minority teenagers (2), cross-cultural studies (2), religious aspects (2), advertising (2), Viagra (2), human body (2), sexual intercourse (2), sexual desire (2), postnatal care (2), fitness (2), labour (2), child psychology (2), aging (2), child development (2), public health (2), peer pressure (2), pregnant women (2), children and war (2), homophobia (2), ethical aspects (2), moral aspects (2), crimes against women (2), case studies (2), feminist theory (2), mental disabilities (2), teenage pregnancy (2), infertility (2), menstruation (2), adolescence (2), lesson planning (2), prisons (2), anthropology (2), sociology (2), developmental disability (2), lesbian teenagers (2), smoking (2), gay teenagers (2), Canadian women (2), adolescent psychology (2), family relationships (2), alternative medicines (2), hormones (2), parent-child relations (2), egg (1), child abuse (1), HERPES (1), polyamory (1), GENDER BINARY (1), QUEER HISTORY (1), IDENTITY (1), TRAns (1), TWO-SPIRIT (1), STIS (1), ANT-RACISM (1), DECLONIZE (1), aids (1), cervical caps (1), dreams (1), pregnancy termination (1), SEX AND DISABILITY (1), trans (1), rape victims (1), baby (1), race relations (1), intracervical devices (1), I.U.D.s (1), socially handicapped teenagers (1), postcoital contraception (1), grandfathers (1), adult children of dysfunctional families (1), oral contraceptives (1), CANADA (1), LGBT (1), CULTURE (1), gay and lesbian studies (1), HISTORY (1), consent (1), abused lesbians (1), sperm (1), CHINESE (1), Hispanic Americans (1), sterilization (1), girls (1), current affairs (1), palliative care (1), fasts (1), social networks (1), self-care (1), MEDICINE (1), hiv (1), self-development (1), workbook (1), culture shock (1), dating relationship (1), college students (1), Muslims (1), WOMEN'S HEALTH (1), conjugal violence (1), familial behavior (1), breast cancer (1), educational equalization (1), feasts (1), menopause (1), toddlers (1), developing countries (1), abused women (1), gender expression (1), GENDER (1), CURRICULUM (1), IMMIGRATION (1), BINDI (1)
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Sep 29, 2015
Real Name
Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba
About My Library
Collection Development Statement:
The mission of SERC is to promote sexual health through education and the mission of the SERC Library is to support this work with a diverse collection of resources.

The library is open to the community as anyone can get a free membership. The SERC library collection aims to provide folks with the information they can easily access and use for their research on topics that are relevant to them. The majority of resources are in English.

Due to the nature of sexuality and health education, information and values change with time, often quickly. As with most libraries, our catalog offers a range of materials collected over several decades. For learning current information we recommend accessing materials no older than 5-10 years. Materials older than 10 years are, generally, best treated as historical information for researching past dialogues and practices.
About Me
Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC) Manitoba is a community-based, non-profit, pro-choice organization. We are dedicated to promoting sexual health through education. With two Manitoba offices, we work with all groups of people, of every sexual orientation, gender, and place in life, along their individual sexual journey.
167 Sherbrook St, Winnipeg MB/Unit B – 345 10th St. Brandon