
240108 (7)
Oct 6, 2011
Real Name
Seattle Metaphysical Library
About My Library
Our collection is all donated, so most of it is older.

Alchemy * Native Americans * Ancient America * Ancient Britain * Ancient Civilizations * Ancient Egypt * Ancient Greece and Rome * Ancient Near East * Art * Astrology * Astronomy * Bibles * Buddhism, Tibetan Zen * Ecology * Edgar Cayce * Chinese Philosophy * Christianity * Color * Comparative Religion * Consciousness Expansion * Drama * Dreams * Education * Literature * Gems, Crystal, and Stones * Graphology * Gurdjieff * Health * History * Hypnosis * Indian Philosophy * Islam-Sufi * Judaism * Magic * Manly Hall * Masonry * Meditation * Music And Dance * Mysticism * Mythology * New Thought * Numerology * Out Of Body Experiences * Palmistry * Parapsychology * Philosophy * Prophecy and Divination * Psychology * Reincarnation * Revealed Teachings * Rosicrucianism * Science * Science Fiction * Spiritualism * Spiritual Healing * Rudolf Steiner /Anthroposophy * Tarot * Theosophy * UFOs * Goddess Worship * Love, Sex, and Relationships * Social Commentary
About Me
We used to be known as the AS-YOU-LIKE-IT library, and started in 1961 in the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle.

We are a private, non-profit,special-interest library open to the public. Membership is $50 a year and is how we pay our rent, phone bill and office supplies. All books are donated, all labor is volunteer. One does not need to be a member to come in a sit and read, or to join discussion groups, meetings, classes, etc.

Our focus is on the fringe books public libraries do not carry, although over the past 50 years that the library has been in existance, many books have gotten into our collection just because someone on the staff liked them.

Our mission is to be a community gathering place for people who are trying to see beyond the veil of Maya, the veil of illusion, that clouds our vision of who we are, and the strength we have to create a brilliant future for ourselves, our family and community, and our world.

We are always open to new ideas for discussions, groups, classes, etc.

The Library itself is non-affiliated and totally agnostic. The individuals involved are passionate about their interests, but we make no attempt to dissuade nor to persuade anyone.
Seattle, Washington - Ballard neighborhood

Member Connections
