
Your library (1,047)
Justin (70), Boxed (69), Paige (45), Fantasy (3), Architecture (3), Historic (1), Comics (1), Fantasy/Sci-Fi (1)
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Oct 9, 2006
About My Library
I left for college with a single box of books in the trunk of my car. What with marrying another bibliophile and getting a BN membership, the collection has grown by over a thousand books in the last 8 years. I started using Librarything primarily as a way to count our books. You won't see any tags, reviews or revisions on our catalog for a while; I need to get them all listed first!
About Me
I'm a job captain in an architecture firm that designs a wide mix of commercial buildings. I will be getting my architect's license in April, 2008. I'm a Brownie Girl Scout leader. For fun, I read, and... um... read. Just in case you are starting to wonder if I'm a big nerd, here's something to put your mind at ease: I AM!
Bay Area, California
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