
Writing (14), France Rev / biography S (9), France Rev / biography / multiple (9), France Rev / eyewitness accounts (6), Fiction / historical / French Rev (6), France Rev / reference (5), Reference / costume (5), France Rev / biography D (5), France Rev / Terror (5), France Rev / biography F (4), France Rev / Terror / prisons (4), France Rev / Terror / Revolutionary Tribunal (4), France Rev / general history (4), France Rev / Directoire (4), Fiction / historical / French Rev / I wrote it! (4), Reference (4), Reference / arts (3), 18th-century France - law & justice - biography (3), France Rev / daily life / fashion (3), France C18 / daily life (3), France Rev / Terror / Thermidor (3), Reference / language (3), France Rev / daily life (3), France Rev / general history / 1780s (3), Paris / guides / Revolution (3), Reference / quotations (3), France C18 / social history (2), France Rev / general history / 1770s (2), French Rev in cinema (2), France C18 / crime & police (2), France C18 / eyewitness accounts (2), France Rev / cultural history (2), Reference / medical (2), Writing / playwriting (2), Writing / business (2), Paris / history & images (2), France C19 / biography L (2), Paris / history / reference (2), France Rev / reference / biography (2), Reference / general history (2), Paris / guides (2), Paris / cemeteries (2), France / law & justice / execution (2), Paris / guides / cemeteries (2), France Rev / social history (2), Bordeaux (2), Paris / cemeteries / history & images (1), Fiction / historical / France C19 (1), France Rev / law & justice / execution (1), 18th-century France - crime & police (1), 18th-century France - crime & police - biography (1), 18th-century France / social history (1), 18th-century France / daily life (1), France C18 / daily life / costume (1), 18th-century France / cultural history (1), France Rev / general history / images (1), France 20C / law & crime / execution (1), France Rev / daily life / Directoire (1), France Rev / reference / language (1), France C18 / Paris / eyewitness accounts (1), France C19 / social history / crime (1), France C18 / biography (1), France C18 / police (1), France C18 (1), Reference / mythology (1), France C18 / Paris (1), France C18 / biography F (1), France C18 / law & policing (1), Police history / France (1), France C18 / law (1), France / law / history (1), France C18 / biography S (1), France Rev / biography C (1), France C18 / biography D (1), Paris / history / cemeteries (1), Paris / landmarks (1), France C18 / biography E (1), France Rev / biography B (1), France C18 / general (1), France Rev / biography L (1), France C18 / medicine (1), France C18 / biography C (1), Reference / antiques (1), France C19 / biography D (1), France Rev / biography R (1), Paris / history (1), France C18/19 / crime & police (1), France C18 / daily life / food (1), Writing / mystery (1), Crime / history / forensics (1), France C18/19 / social history (1), Writing / scriptwriting (1), France C18 / biography M (1), Reference / religion (1), Writing / reference (1), France C18 / cultural history (1), France C19 / crime & police (1)
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Feb 6, 2007
Real Name
Susanne Alleyn
About My Library
This is my personal research collection, the result of about 21 years' worth of obsessive bookshopping, in the USA and in Paris. French Revolution/18th-century France research; general reference useful for the mystery and historical fiction writer (no, I don't use those poison books for anything but polishing off fictional characters); books on writing; some of my collection of historical fiction set in the French Revolution. You won't find my complete fiction library here (you probably don't care how many Agatha Christies or Dorothy Sayers I own).

The historical research books are recommended as being full of juicy facts or highly readable or both. If a nonfiction book is no use to me or a drag to read, I sell it on eBay...therefore the keepers are, for the most part, the best of the best, rated for their general usefulness to me.

No rating means I haven't dipped into the book enough yet to judge its usefulness...or it's a novel I wrote myself, in which case it would be a little tacky.

At some point, when I have a little time (yeah right!)...I may get around to cataloguing all my cookbooks, from which readers can quickly get the idea that, while my primary obsession may be France from 1789 to 1799, my secondary one is definitely food, particularly when it features Thai curry paste!
About Me
Historical novelist, historical mystery novelist, and insufferable knowitall about almost anything connected with the French Revolution. :-)

Please visit my author website at to learn more about my novels, read some first chapters, sign up for my newsletter, and all that. Book club members -- if your group would like to chat with me via speakerphone, please visit my website for more info.

And because there are always books overcrowding my life, I hold book sales in the back yard most summer weekends here in Albany, NY. Come visit!
Albany, NY, USA
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