
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jan 26, 2009
About My Library
Largely reflects my interests in Church History (especially the Reformation) General History and Theology. Likewise long-distance walking and photography.

Not much fiction, though, and when I read it, I usually borrow it. The few works of fiction and poetry I own were either given to me as presents ( = sentimental value) or ones I like to read over and over.
About Me
Books are the one worldly good that academics are supposed to covet, but I have an ambivalent relationship with mine. I love them... *but* I've also had to cart them across the world in heavy, dusty, cardboard boxes several times now.

I also used to be a librarian and archivist and have spent too many hours shifting unwanted, unloved and unwieldy tomes to feel especially moist-eyed about them.

So I try to keep what I own to a minimum: most of the collection is what I've had to buy for work (and even then I try to use the university library as much as possible).

If I buy something, it's because I imagine I'll consult it more than once, or because it's been otherwise hard to obtain .

Even so, I let myself keep just a few solely for sentimental and moist-eyed reasons.
Auckland, New Zealand
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