
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 29, 2017
Real Name
About My Library
After losing quite a few books in two apartment/house moves, I now wish to document and organize the books I have and those I will add to my collection in the future. That being said my current library is not as prolific as it once was. Some books may not be added right away since they are in boxes as I need to buy new bookshelves. Most of my personal library consists of speculative fiction (primarily science fiction and fantasy).
About Me
Reader, Writer, Gamer. Although I wish I was a minimalist, I'm quite the hoarder. A lot of the content I consume is in the realm of speculative fiction, as well as classic literature. I enjoy critical reading and I often annotate my books. The primary use of this library is to organize my LGBT literature, Black literature, and sort out my collection of young adult books from my adult books.