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About My Library
I read classics, contemporary, memoir, biography, mystery, suspense, vampires (bloody, not twinkly), crime, horror, self-help, graphic novels, comedy, short stories and essays. My library includes many books from my childhood - Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, The Diary of Anne Frank, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harriet the Spy; contemporary fiction from authors such as Elinor Lipman and John Barth; Anne Rice vampire novels; short stories and essays by David Sedaris; and many books on writing such as "Bird by Bird" by Anne LaMott, and "On Writing" by Stephen King. Also a whole shelf of theology by John Shelby Spong, Marcus Borg and Matthew Fox. Plus my husband's library which includes every book ever written by Jack Kerouac, an entire R. Crumb collection, Zippy the Pinhead, Charles Schulz and Walt Disney bios, and Maus by Art Spiegelman.
About Me
I love to read. My grandmother was a librarian. When I was in sixth grade, my best friend Nancy and I had the entire Agatha Christie catalog between us. I still love a good mystery. My interests include reading, writing, music, pets and pet rescue, politics (liberal), and current events. I'm married to Michael, a joyful, fun-loving man who loves animation, graphic novels, music biographies, and the Beat writers.
Dallas, TX
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