
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Nov 14, 2007
Real Name
nadya kok
About My Library
Mostly I will read anything, although I am not fond of sci-fi and my favourite genre is fantasy. I probably prefer fantasy to fiction for the same reason that I prefer not to watch tv soaps: I get fairly tired of people's problems of which they are the cause more often than not. Fantasy is unreal and so are the people's problems.

But mostly I will read anything. My favourite authors currently, are Terry Pratchett, John Irving, Margaret Atwood and Deepak Chopra.
About Me
I am from Pretoria, South Africa. I am Office Manager for a cellphone company's Head Office (retail). Not so much a geek as just totally weird. Offically voted the weirdest friend that anyone has. I am 30 years old, love reading (yes, my ideal job would be one where I would read all day).

Also an environmental activist when I get the chance, love to help out, believe people live and thrive on love and that everyone has it within themselves to live a life filled with happiness and ample blessings... Which is why I prefer the Fantasy genre - fantasy is just fantasy, fiction becomes too real and people's problems just frustrate me... But I do love a great fiction novel from time to time as well, basically will read anything at least once.

Anyway - Also draw as a hobby, do a little yoga, meditating, have a cat and a bearded dragon. Also keep a fiancé for incase it turns out women actually do need men after all (also comes in handy for opening bottles and such).
south africa
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