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About My Library
Well, with all that talk of love and dreams, and the icon of Jane Austen, you KNOW my library is going to consist quite heavily of romance. I do appreciate the occasional classic as well as a few quirky fact books. I'm not much for non-fiction but every now and then a biography strikes my fancy. When one does, I'll be sure to list it!
About Me
Hmm, about me. . .Never really sure what to fill in here. I mean, how do I decide what you should know about me? Do I tell you that I'm a proud 29 year old virgin who believes in true love, fate, destiny and all the stuff of fairy tales but is grounded enough in reality to know that fairy tales aren't meant for everyone...sadly. Or perhaps I could tell you that I'm an (often) frustrated customer service representative who loves movies, theater, and karaoke and secretly dreams of being famous. I guess I could always start with, "Hi, my name is Aneesah. . ."
South Carolina
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