
Lesbian/s (510), poetry (154), (mkl) (110), canadian (90), women (81), (gc) (76), fiction (66), fiction - short stories (43), history (42), essays (40), Gay men (37), u.s.a. (37), white (36), reference (34), biography/ies (33), photos (32), humour (30), sexuality (25), 1st ed. (25), spirituality (25), comics (23), england (23), autobiography/ies (20), sex (19), Lesbian (18), (rap) (18), relationships (17), Women of Colour (16), classic (15), trans (15), feminism (14), motherhood (14), international (14), (jr) (13), (dy) (13), Dyke/s (13), theatre (12), erotica (12), class (11), non-fiction (11), gender (11), mythology (11), plays (10), anti-racist work (9), academic journal/study (9), s/m (9), coming out (8), Lesbian/s - Jewish (8), Separatist (8), Lesbian/s of Colour (8), art (8), (kl) (8), writers (8), ??? (7), Queer/s (7), goddesses (7), healing (7), feminism - Lesbian (7), body image (7), dis-abilities (7), family (7), literature (7), Sappho (7), addictions (6), (raf) (6), ethics (6), quotes (6), disproportionately white (6), canadian - quebec (6), language (6), incest (6), health (6), (ia) (6), desire (6), (ml) (6), community (5), culture/s (5), disproportionately white Dykes (5), racism (5), (lh) (5), identity (5), (nc) (5), film (5), daughters (5), 1st ed (5), photographers (5), lesbian (5), monogomy (5), illustrations (5), (ld) (5), Black Women (5), criticism - literary (5), mothers (4), (lr) (4), relationships - violence (4), recovery (4), music (4), criticism - cultural (4), bisexual/s (4), writing (4), parenting (4), artists (4), fiction - short (4), sexual abuse (4), Latinas (4), Lesbian/s - young (3), sobriety (3), philosophy (3), interviews (3), peace movement (3), fem (3), women - Jewish (3), men (3), African-American (3), (mj) (3), First Nations (3), science fiction (3), friendship (3), (SY) (3), mad Dykes (3), puzzles (3), symbolism (3), patriarchy (3), poetry - dub (3), pornography (3), fem-butch (3), activism (3), age-ing (3), fantasy (3), Asian canadian/american (3), therapy (3), vision (3), HIV/AIDS (3), Lesbian/s - middle-aged (3), rituals (3), bi-sexual/s (2), (bb) (2), (ph) (2), outness (2), feminism - eco (2), coming out - previously married (2), Lesbian/s - midlife (2), poet/s (2), catholic church (2), Caribbean (2), fiction - short stories - erotic (2), sister/s (2), Native American (mixed) (2), Russia (2), Melissa Etheridge (2), sports - softball (2), Greenham Common (2), Native American (2), women of size (2), women - middle-aged (2), Madonna (2), disproportionately straight (2), safer sex (2), fiction - short stories - love (2), fiction - fantasy (2), fiction - youth (2), s/m - against (2), sex - safer (2), African descent (2), archetypes (2), gay (2), hope (2), illness (2), eating disorders (2), visibility (2), breast cancer (2), homophobia (2), organizing (2), photographs (2), meditation (2), location (2), food (2), sexism (2), adoption (2), television (2), lying (2), butch (2), marriage (2), popular culture (2), education (2), research (2), utopian (2), teaching (2), christianity (2), games (2), violence (2), narrative (2), dating (2), movies (2), translation (2), suffragettes (2), land (2), fat oppression (2), children (2), Paris salons (2), drag (2), fatness (2), vaginas (2), Adrienne Rich (2), heterosexual (2), home (2), non-violence (2), audience (1), transphobia (1), (mf) (1), war (1), love (1), (cc) (1), biography (1), religion (1), performance (1), Thailand (1), presentation (1), street culture (1), Great Britain (1), postmodernism (1), pulp fiction (1), gender performance (1), gender outlaws (1), history - Roman (1), Women of Colour - black (1), Butch (?) (1), 1st ed. (mkl) (1), Indian/s (1), * so important/classic i couldn't figure out how to tag it adequately (1), sexuality* (1), Lesbian/s* (1), disproportionately white - except one photo (1), disproportinately white (note cover) (1), sex trade - lesbian (1), disproportiojnately white Dykes (1), communist women (1), rape myths (1), history (u.s.a.) (1), fiction- short stories (1), plays. white (1), quebecquoise (sp?) (1), (bw) (1), youth (1), anthology (p) (1), writers - Roman (ancient) (1), history - Greek (1), writers - Greek (ancient) (1), homelessness (1), Lesbian/s of colour (1), bibliography/ies (1), freedom (1), ethics - feminist pleasure (1), tarot (1), Ghana (1), pamphlet (1), 2nd ed. (1), emancipation (1), Italy (1), Black (1), agency (1), political prisoners (1), cultural practice (1), heterosexuality (1), play (1), (mc) (1), Gay Men (1), Zulu (1), white privilege (1), Aboriginal (1), Transgender (1), housework (1), fiction - science (1), lookism (1), jewish oppression (1), photo-essay (1), (jh) (1), chaos (1), marxism (1), Indian (1), pendulums (1), erotic power (1), Separatists - french speaking (1), manhating (1), sisters (1), poverty (1), race (1), heterosexism (1), autobiography (1), dowsing (1), uncorrected proof (1), gay men (1), Lesbian/s - culture (1), pseudonym (1), military (1), breasts (1), cancer (1), environment (1), queer (1), white Dykes disproportionately (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Apr 26, 2007
About My Library
This is primarily a Dyke and Lesbian poetry and non-fiction collection that I have been accumulating for the more than 30 years I've been out. This is a lending library. When the whole collection is catalogued, I suspect there will be approximately 2,000 items. Most of these books I have purchased myself, but over the last 10 years, the library has received many books from the Dyke/Lesbian community of Victoria, B.C. These books have come through direct donations, retirement, relocation and the death of many in our community. Consequently, the libary now contains a huge footprint of the history/membership of this community and hence I want it to stay here for as long as the books last. My goal is to catalogue and send the list to as many local users (individuals and organizations)as I can. I'd like these books to be read. Also, I am a poet with what I call my "writer's library" which includes some non-Dyke and straight poetry and reference books. I'm interested in other Dyke or Lesbian collectors and collections and would consider swapping duplicates. This is a library collected through passion. I have very little money to purchase books, so donations are loved and I will credit you in the front cover. I am also hoping to find someone to help with the cataloguing.
Victoria, B.C., Canada

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