
violane (108), omnibus (32), duplicate (7), book club (3), anthology (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Apr 3, 2007
About My Library
This is a list of books that are with us on a temporary overseas assignment.

I have MANY other LT lists.

My largest book collection is listed under 'xenophon' (which, when completed, should have 5000+ books.) My genre fiction collection is listed on LT under 'mysterysf' (which, when finished, will have 3000+ books.)

So that I don't clog up my 'actual' libraries, I have created LT sites for those books that I wish to read/purchase under 'toread1' (for general books) and 'toread2' (for genre books.)

Because I wish to maintain 'pure' book collection lists, I also have LT lists for my cd collection ('cd collection') and dvd collection ('dvdcollection'). Each has several thousand entries.

I attempt to keep these various lists tagged and cross-referenced as appropriate.

Yes I know, I devote FAR too many hours of the day to updating/maintaining these lists. Someday they will be complete and the 4-6 hours a day I currently spend on LT will be put back into actual reading.
About Me
retired, 'trailing spouse' currently dividing time between the united states and europe
arlington, virginia and pristina, kosovo