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Sep 16, 2009
Real Name
About My Library
The books listed on this site are a small part of my total collection. Except for those in the Stacks, they are mostly the ones on a shelf next to my reading chair and include those which I am reading, consulting or using now. Those in the Stacks are some of the others which I have started to add in November. Now, in April, I am starting to open more boxes and add more books. The whole collection consists mostly of older mathematics and physics books with a sprinkling of more recent science books, fiction and other topics.
About Me
According to some checklists which I found on the Internet and in books, I can best be described as a person with adult Asperger's Syndrome or at least with Asperger characteristics. Computers are my life. Books are my friends.
It has been said that the Spanish phrase 'ojo de lince' is commonly used for 'sharp eyed', even though
(1) it translates literally, word for word, as 'eye of the lynx',
(2) my dictionary translates 'sharp eyed' to 'ojo agudo', and
(3) my dictionary translates 'hawk eyed' to 'ojo de lince'.
It fits because ophthalmologists tell me that my eyes are about 15 years younger than my calendar age (84) and still with near perfect acuity. The lynx, with nocturnal vision, fits even better, since I like to believe that I can see real things where others see nothing but darkness. The whiskers on the lynx fit too!
If you want to send me an e-mail, use LIBROS as the subjrct to differentiate from spam.
Nogales, AZ
Currently Reading