
Dec 4, 2017
Real Name
Paulette Livers
About My Library
Literary fiction (both novels and short story collections), poetry, biography, memoir. Anthologies and scholarly titles geared toward teaching creative writing. American and English history. Fairy tale collections.
About Me
Paulette Livers is the author of the novel Cementville (Counterpoint Press), recipient of the Elle magazine Readers' Lettres Prize, and finalist for the Center for Fiction's Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, the Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year, and the Kentucky Literary Award. Among recognitions for her work are fellowships and grants from the Artcroft Foundation, Aspen Writers Foundation, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, The MacDowell Colony, Ox-Bow Artist Residence, Vermont Studio Center, and Virginia Center for Creative Artists. While earning the MFA at University of Colorado, she taught creative writing, worked as a speechwriter to the Chancellor, and curated the University’s reading series. The recipient of the Meyerson Prize for Fiction at Southwest Review, her work has been honorably-mentioned or shortlisted for the International Bridport Prize, Lamar York Prize, Mosher Prize for Short Fiction, and Red Hen Press Short Story Award. Her stories and essays appear in many print and online journals.
Her publishing and visual arts career includes over 20 years as an art director and book designer for publishing companies around the US, and a varied freelance career serving the book and magazine industries, as well as companies and individuals in many fields. She is Creative Director at Mighty Sword Studio, specializing in fine book design, editing, and helping publishers, writers, and artists bring their work to the printed page.
Paulette teaches in workshops and presents on creative writing and publishing topics nationally, and is on the faculty at Story Studio Chicago. She is at work on a new novel. Please visit for more information.
Chicago IL
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