
Real Name
Cynthia Steele
About My Library
My library consists mostly of mysteries, especially the cozy, British ones. Some of my favorite authors are Agatha Christie, Elizabeth George, Caroline Graham, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Reginald Hill, M.C. Beaton, Elizabeth Ironside, Alan Bradley, Lorna Bartlett, Charlaine Harris and Colin Dexter. Some of my other favourite authors are: Edward Gorey, Douglas Adams, J.R. Tolkein, Roald Dahl, A.A. Milne, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (of "The Little Prince" fame), Lewis Carroll, Jane Austen & Flora Thompson, to name just a few.
About Me
I'm the quintessential "nerd", and quite proud of it. I love old films, film noir and campy horror being two of my favorites. I'm a home body...I don't go out much, by choice. I'm much happier staying home with a good book, or a good film, by the fire with a glass of wine. If I do venture out, I like to go to the theatres, symphonies & movies. I also love art galleries and museums. I'm a fairly spiritual/religious person, but I'm also very liberal. I simply adore animals, and have a fondness for cats. I think I've thoroughly convinced myself I'm British, being that I love all things British, and feel most at home there.
Little Rock, AR
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