Real Name
Phyllis Zimbler Miller
About My Library
I'm addicted to buying books and frequently read several books at once in a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. My husband and two adult daughters also buy and read tons of books. Therefore we have our books by sections throughout our home (and in storage boxes): writing books, military history books, Jewish books, mysteries, Young Adult, science fantasy, science fiction, plays, classics, "good" literature, "popular" literature, marketing books, poetry books, books about Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval books, Renaissance books, children's picture books, children's classic fiction, career books, foreign language books, encyclopedias, reference books, etc.
About Me
I'm the author of fiction and nonfiction books, including the novel MRS. LIEUTENANT, which was a semi-finalist in the 2008 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition. I'm also the co-founder of the online marketing company -- and at you can learn about my other books and ebooks.
Beverly Hills, California
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