
J756 children's materials titles spark students interest (21), 757 (20), murder (5), love (5), journey (4), J756 children's literature traditional stories collections (4), booktalk (4), Feehan (4), J757 (4), J756 children's literature traditional stories (3), spiritual (3), life (3), adventure (3), fear (3), God (3), book (3), pride (3), Blue Balliett CBC column AASL Knowledge Quest 3rd grade teacher (3), J756 picture book required (3), story (2), picture (2), kindness (2), school (2), autistic savant Daniel Tammet OnPoint radio (2), kingdom (2), connection (2), soldier (2), coloring (2), embarrassment (2), Caldecott (2), Christian (2), crayon (2), evil (2), escape (2), shame (2), torture (2), strength (2), United States (2), Bible (2), freedom (2), exploration (2), Jim Knipfel 44th birthday retinitis pigmentosa memoirist columnist Writer's Almanac 6.2.09 (2), commentary (2), courage (2), J756 autobiography paper first books learning reading (2), prejudice (2), country (2), race (2), Shakespeare (2), high school (2), Japanese (2), discovery (2), J756 children's literature reading love young readers (1), Henry David Thoreau Walden birthday 1817 7/12/09 (1), J756 picture book (1), Raffi song verse children Bob Linsenmayer birthday 7.9.09 (1), Thomas Childers troubled homecoming PTSD WWII Michael Gold Tom Mildred Willis Grace bombardier infantryman Eighth Air Force (1), Elizabeth Kubler-Ross death dying five stages grief birthday 7.9.09 (1), OnPoint broadcast 8/3/2009 memoir air crash survival Robert Sabbag (1), Pablo Neruda poems birthday July 12th 1904 Parral Chile (1), Eden outcasts Louisa May Alcott father Thoreau Society webpage John Matteson Pulitzer Prize (1), Van Gogh Irving Stone birthday 7/14/1903 (1), Joe Posnanski blog Facebook Raul Ibanez entry 7/17/2009 (1), Joe Posnanski sports writer Cincinnati Reds season (1), parallel play tim page asperger's syndrome (1), Murrow boys Walter Cronkite death 92 years old 7/16/2009 World War II journalist correspondent UPI CBS broadcast Uncle avuncular (1), quark jaguar simple complex Murray Gell-Mann adventures 8/10/2009 (1), Steven Pinker mind works neuroscience music (1), mind language instinct Steven Pinker creates (1), birthday Karl Popper 7/28/1902 Einstein social scientific theory proven unproven (1), Dick Cheney vice presidency Bob Hayman suggestion phone conversation 7/28/2009 Nick's 21st birthday angler Barton Gellman (1), choosing equality desegregation Brown Board Education Supreme Court Robert Hayman essays narratives 7/28/2009 (1), revolutionary road Richard Yates movie Leonardo diCaprio Kate Winslett 6/15/2009 (1), Vietnam War architect Robert Strange McNamara tragedy search argument (1), Satchel Paige life times Fresh Air Larry Tye 6/8/2009 (1), ivorybill hunters Geoffrey Hill radio bird hosts Clemson hope expedition (1), Eric Bogosian Perforated Heart OnPoint 5/26/09 Sotomayor nomination middle age lookback (1), NPR recommendation author classic Saul Bellow Herzon Penguin Classics go-to book (1), cloud spotter guide Gavin Pretor-Pinney the takeaway asperatus 6.2.09 (1), 44th birthday 6.2.09 legally blind memoirist columnist Writer's Almanac retinitis pigmentosa (1), Prairie Home Companion Fred Newman mouth sounds MouthSounds pop boing honk (1), slavery re-enslavement Douglas Blackmon OnPoint Radio black Americans Civil War (1), edible history Tom Standage talk nation humanity (1), Ammon Shea Oxford English Dictionary one year 21 (1), 730 pages OnPoint Radio (1), OnPoint Radio Haruki Murakami Wind-Up Bird Chronicle laid off work (1), humor summer read OnPoint Radio laid off reader 35 books read 6/4/2009 (1), Science Friday Newton counterfeiter 6/5/2009 Thomas Levenson (1), choosing equality essays narratives desegregation experience Penn State University press April 2009 (1), Fresh Air interview Larry Tye author Black actor Stepin Fetchit stage name successful career millionaire first (1), Fog War lessons life Robert Strange McNamara 93 years old obituary 7.6.2009 (1), 6/9/2009 OnPoint radio Daryl Collins two dollars day (1), Blue Highways Black elk speaks Neihardt Oglala Sioux holy man life story (1), Blue Highways leaves grass Walt Whitman William Least Heat-Moon (1), renegade Barack Obama renegade making president Richard Wolffe Talk Nation 6/10/2009 (1), J756 Smoky Night Caldecott award winner author Eve Bunting illustrator David Diaz (1), Netherland Obama's nightstand Joseph O'Neill OnPoint radio 6/15/2009 (1), color water James McBride musician writer OnPoint radio 6/15/2009 (1), crossword Dean Olsher All Things Considered interview Melissa Block 6.23.2009 meditation digressions Will Shortz (1), sense goodness without god naturalism Richard Carrier The God Who Wasn't There documentary (1), Son Man shrinking incredible God gospel tradition Robert Price The God Who Wasn't There documentary (1), Visual Thesaurus regular contributor words difference Robert Greenman logophiliac etymologist word lover (1), Robert Greenman Visual Thesaurus logophiliac etymologist word lover 6.29.09 difference words (1), hitchhiker guide galaxy Douglas Adams Randy Raymond facebook video 7/2/2009 (1), Doctors Without Borders Afghanistan photojournalist graphic novel Emmanuel Guibert artist Didier Lefevre photographer 7/2/2009 (1), J756 Charlotte's Web E. B. White Fern Wilbur Charlotte Arable Zuckerman Avery Templeton (1), J756 picture book woodcuts Caldecott award Barbara Ed Emberley (1), J756 children's materials Girl Who Loved Wild Horses Paul Goble Caldecott winner (1), J756 fantasy literature children's materials Deborah James Howe (1), J756 children's materials picture books (1), J756 children's materials perspective artist moon owl daughter father winter night owling (1), J756 children's material picture books artistic perspective changes (1), J756 picture book perspective man walked towers Mordicai Gerstein (1), J756 picture book Peter Sis Caldecott honor book wall iron curtain (1), J756 picture book Joseph little overcoat (1), J756 picture book David Shannon gets trouble (1), J756 picture books lettering (1), J756 picture book Anthony Browne (1), j756 picture book photography artwork surrealism Sharon Putman first entry 9/17/2009 (1), Icelandic novel Halldor Laxness nobel laureate 1955 John Handy recommendation (1), J756 fantasy literature children's materials Nancy Farmer (1), J756 fantasy literature children's materials Diane Stanley (1), J756 realistic fiction children's materials Kevin Henkes (1), J756 children's books picture book (1), J756 realistic fiction children's materials Lois Lowry (1), J756 realistic fiction children's materials Jack Gantos (1), J756 historical fiction children's materials Iain Lawrence (1), J756 historical fiction children's materials Sid Fleischman Bandit's Moon (1), J756 historical fiction children's materials Gary Paulsen Sarny life remembered (1), J756 fantasy fiction children's materials Spider Kane Mary Pope Osborne (1), J756 children's literature historical fiction Watsons Birmingham 1963 (1), we remember holocaust David Adler J756 information book children's literature (1), J756 biography children's literature life story Zora Neale Hurston (1), J756 information book Monarch butterfly Danaus Laurence Pringle (1), J756 information book bodies ice glaciers recovery James Deem (1), Malboo (1), Frommelbin (1), 5/29/2010 (1), J756 children's materials picture book bold lines (1), J756 picture book scanned paintings computer digital technology (1), J756 textbook text Carol Lynch-Brown Carl Tomlinson (1), J756 picture book Caldecott winner Musgrove author illustrators Leo and Diane Dillon (1), A God Within Rene Dubos (1), UU Free Thought Group Brian Randy Mormon faith banner heaven story violent faith Jon Krakauer (1), UU Free Thought Group freethinkers American history secularism Susan Jacoby (1), UU Free Thought Group book analysis Frank Carl The Family secret fundamentalism heart American power (1), UU Free Thought Group Don Hostetler climbing mount improbable Richard Dawkins 9/13/09 (1), J756 children's materials picture books Dilys Evans (1), J756 Alexander Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day Judith Viorst (1), J756 Cynthia Rylant books (1), J756 Cynthia Rylant Appalachia watercolor voices sleeping birds (1), J756 picture book husband wife team napping house picture book (1), J756 picture book Barbara Cooney (1), J756 Stellaluna Janell Cannon picture book (1), J756 Verdi green Janell Cannon picture book acrylics (1), J756 picture book The Strange Chris Van Allsburg (1), J756 digital picture book computer Jon Scieszka (1), J756 children's materials picture book (1), James Joyce Finegans Wake skeleton key guide Joseph Campbell unlocking masterwork (1), annotations Finnegans Wake James Joyce by Roland McHugh (1), Fresh Air interview 4/13/2009 Michelle Goldberg sex power reproduction future world (1), J756 picture book A Story African tale Gail Haley (1), J756 biographical picture book woodcuts historical flavor Caldecott winner Snowflake Bentley Jacqueline Briggs (1), J756 picture book scratchboard Brian Pinkney illustrator (1), J756 picture book scratchboard Brian Pinkney illustrator author Andrea Davis (1), J756 picture book collage illustrator Susan Roth author Greg Mortensen (1), J756 picture book cut paper collage Lois Ehlert illustrator (1), J756 cut paper Caldecott award David Wisniewski (1), J756 picture informational book photography Walter Wick drop water science wonder (1), J756 biographical collective biographies photography picture book (1), J756 first computer picture book digital (1), login (1), J742 knowledge pathways inquiry learning library media specialist (1), Christian Right nationalism Michelle Goldberg Kingdom Coming rise (1), Bobo (1), desperation (1), professor (1), Emma (1), poet (1), Jefferson (1), blog (1), animal (1), Australian (1), Pigman (1), Paul (1), Time (1), LibraryThing (1), Me (1), Conlan (1), hog (1), grandmom (1), Wrinkle (1), Skype (1), Pignati (1), VW van (1), Thomas Mann diaries German Magic Mountain (1), digital Internet everything miscellaneous connection order disorder (1), Dylan Thomas Wales Welsh child's Christmas poetry (1), rage dying light Dylan Thomas poetry Wales Christmas (1), Franny Zooey J.D. Salinger Glass family (1), Bible God biography new old testament Yahweh (1), red fern grows dog tree Old Dan Little Ann coon hunting (1), Sistine chapel Michelangelo messages forbidden (1), Lorraine (1), Angelo (1), Norma Virginia lover Lincoln biography Springfield Obama (1), hatred (1), favorite (1), teens (1), timeless (1), mom (1), John (1), church (1), stories (1), zoo (1), Lindsay (1), passion (1), cruelty (1), orangutan (1), librarian (1), teacher (1), Mal (1), mystic (1), conversation (1), writer (1), Madeleine L'Engle (1), age (1), prayer (1), novelist (1), death sentence (1), Wiggins (1), Booth (1), Zindel (1), Dart (1), Jensen (1), Lindsay Xmas 2008 funny Armageddon British (1), living Bible inerrancy follow rules Norma Virginia Christmas gift (1), bibliophile Nicholas Basbanes paper printed word journalist writer author C-Span Book TV (1), North Augusta library aiken Nancy Carson $1 book effectiveness greatness discipline habit effective people highly (1), J742 Big6 workshop handbook skills research media center (1), J742 inquiry learning information skills librarian teacher curriculum (1), J742 collaborative learning integrated library approach standards based (1), J742 real literacy librarian teacher principal literature collaboration (1), J742 library curriculum connections information media specialist (1), J742 understanding design library media specialist curriculum (1), J742 standards teaching learning America best practice (1), J742 text information power partnership learning school librarians American association (1), J742 multiple intelligences theory practice Gardner horizons (1), humanist thinker Blackham British ethical union 105 years old founder secular atheism equality (1), favorite book SLMS Kathleen Butler Laurens Middle School (1), J742 information literacy informatics fundamentals eLearning synergy digital age (1), J742 eLearning digital age publishing learning informatics information library media center (1), Nancy Carson Library $1 book bicentennial Lincoln Darwin birthdays centennial NAACP founding Iraq war secret history Yossef Bodansky (1), J742 information age inquiry instruction literacy (1), teacher nation schools education Nancy Carson Library $1 book Lincoln Dawin bicentennial NAACP centennial Goodlad teachers (1), Darwin 200th birthday bicentennial 2/12/2009 slept here Eric Simons (1), Martin Gilbert Churchill Bob Edwards interview mobster turned memoirist 2.28.2009 (1), interview Italian Jew Bob Edwards mobster author memoirist 2.29.2009 weekend (1), editorialist journalist memoirist Russell Baker Baltimore New York Times (1), editorialist journalist memoirist Russell Baker Baltimore good times New York Times (1), J742 alphabet unit 3rd grade collaboration Kim Vaughn Mossy Creek Elementary (1), J742 school library media center basics encyclopedia student information (1), StoryCorps David Isay oral history J742 (1), J742 StoryCorps David Isay oral history recording (1), J742 StoryCorps listening love act oral story project David Isay (1), Nicholas Basbanes gentle madness bibliophiles bibliomane Book TV C-Span author journalist (1), bibliophile Book TV C-Span Nicholas Basbanes author journalist (1), J742 school library media specialist teaching learning (1), human thought genome genetics Steven Pinker (1), photos paintings Rivoli Norman Rockwell America Norma Clara Christmas gift (1), SLIS library young adults Pat Feehan literature (1), Thomas Bullfinch mythology Lindsay 2008 Christmas gift (1), weirdos factoid books cartoonists Nick 2008 Christmas gift (1), Lincoln advisers enemies rivals Civil War Abraham Doris Kearns Goodwin Norma Virginia (1), Pinker cognitive brain scientist mind works (1), computer mind connectivity Wolfram science mathematica (1), Santo Domingo fuku Columbus Oscar Wao Junot Diaz (1), high recommendation Hamlet-like Rick Ward English teacher Cross Creek ACS bass (1), SLIS library media information information organization (1), SLIS cataloging school public libraries Intner Weihs (1), SLIS information retrieval systems Boolean query database Meadow Boyce Kraft Barry (1), SLIS library media information librarianship values Gorman (1), LIS acquisitions library management guide Wilkinson Lewis (1), smart culture bias education society intelligence law Bob Hayman (1), Dewey library cat non-fiction world touched (1), Umberto Eco name rose fiction middle age mystery murder (1), Godel Escher Bach eternal golden braid Douglas Hofstadter (1), Randy Raymond facebook atheism religion God good bad nice mean (1), selfish gene Richard Dawkins (1), Dawkins blind watchmaker evidence evolution universe (1), Dawkins ancestor's tale pilgrimage dawn evolution (1), Barker godless evangelical preacher atheist preacher (1), Hitchens atheist essential readings (1), Harris Christian nation letter (1), Paulos irreligion mathematician arguments God (1), 1709 tricentennial birth Boswell Samuel Johnson life author aphorism obstacles triumph English literature (1), major works Samuel Johnson Oxford classics (1), onpoint radio Samuel Johnson Meyers English literature 1709 birth tricentennial (1), pendulum Umberto Eco Foucault's (1), whipping boy Sid Fleischman booktalk media center North Augusta internship (1)
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Jan 27, 2008
Real Name
Rudy Nyhoff
North Augusta, SC
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