Real Name
Sara Zarr
About My Library
It's a mix of books I own, books I've read (that I own or borrowed from the library or a friend), and books I want to read. I've opted not to include our entire family library. If I were to add my husband's books, you'd see more theology, education theory, our entire collection of classics, and a whole lot of thrillers. Also, because I'm a writer and he's a teacher, we acquire a lot of books that come and go. I'm hoping to catalog the ones that stay---in the house or in the memory.
When I first started out here, I rated a few things, but I hate star ratings so I don't do that any more. If something was memorable to me in some way, I add it to my Memorable Reads collection.
About Me
I'm an author---of young adult fiction, mostly.
I like stories of everyday people going through the minor and major challenges and triumphs of everyday life.
Salt Lake City, Utah
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