Badges for LevGalicia

See the WikiThing page for more about Helper Badges.

gold Common Knowledge for contributions to Common Knowledge (1,467)

gold Cover Uploading for uploading covers other members can use (8,511)

gold Helper for contributions to any area of LibraryThing (8,786)

silver Translations for help translating LibraryThing into other languages (236)

bronze Author Combination for help combining author names together (16)

bronze Author Pictures for help giving authors photographs and pictures (13)

bronze Voting: Tag combination for voting on tag combinations (192)

medal Courting Casket for participating in the 2019 Valentine's Day Hunt

medal Rainbow for participating in the 2019 Pride Treasure Hunt

medal Rogue's Rose for participating in the 2020 Valentine's Day Hunt

medal Seedling Badge for participating in the 2020 Spring Treasure Hunt

medal Lucky Lobster for participating in the 2020 Maine Treasure Hunt

medal Nest Badge for participating in the 2021 Children's Literature Treasure Hunt

medal Corsair's Crossbones for participating in the 2020 Pirate Treasure Hunt

medal Pride Flag for participating in the 2021 LGBTQ Pride Month Treasure Hunt

medal Cucurbit Cockade for participating in the 2021 Halloween Hunt

medal Toxophily Token for participating in the 2022 Valentine's Treasure Hunt

medal Pride Penguin for participating in the 2022 Pride Treasure Hunt

medal Ghost Badge for participating in the 2022 Halloween Hunt

medal Poetry Pen for participating in the 2023 Poetry Month Hunt

medal Fiver for members who've been on the site for five years

medal Tenner for members who've been on the site for ten years

medal Fifteener for members who've been on the site for fifteen years