flavorwire's look at the libararies of authors

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flavorwire's look at the libararies of authors

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Dec 7, 2011, 6:30 pm

Topic over at one of the Bookshelves group includes article with lots of great photos of author libraries-- some living, some not so much:


Other discussion:

Dec 7, 2011, 6:34 pm

Cool! Just as a note, I did try to get all the Unpacking my Library authors, but none of them wanted to play. We will, however, have an interview with Leah Price in an upcoming SOTT, and hope springs eternal that we might be able to persuade at least a couple of the profiled authors.

Dec 7, 2011, 6:58 pm

Cool! Reminds me, I have a lot of LL work sitting on my desk to be done on some snowy evening. I've got updates for a couple guys, and a completely new very old personal library----