Hay There!


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Hay There!

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Dec 12, 2013, 12:27 pm

I keep intending to visit the promised land of Hay-on-Wye, and I would appreciate any guidance on the place. How many shops are there? Are they all generalists, or do different shops focus on different genres? Is there any available guide that improves the chance of finding a specific genre? My main specialism is erotica, but that's not exclusive.

Dec 12, 2013, 12:35 pm

There are LOTS of shops, though not as many as there used to be. Hay is increasingly becoming a destination town full of pricey ladies' fashions, gift shops, etc. Still, if you've never been there you'll be enthralled!

Many are generalists, but there is a shop of gardening books, a mystery book shop, children's books, etc. At least there were the last time I was in Hay (in 2012).

In most of the shops you'll find maps and guides to bookshops. Have you tried looking online for a guide? There may be one.

Dec 12, 2013, 1:01 pm

The biggest shops are the Cinema Bookshop, Addeyman and Booths. Cinema and Booths have a well-organised stock arranged by subject so are your best bet for going straight to areas that you want to look at. There's a website here: http://www.hay-on-wye.co.uk/bookshops/ I was last there in 2011, I think. You must try the sheep's ice cream at Shepherd's, too.

Dec 12, 2013, 4:28 pm

Shepherd's is WONDERFUL!

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