KatieP 100 book challenge 2014

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KatieP 100 book challenge 2014

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Feb 1, 2014, 2:35 pm

Just wanted to post this so I'd have it when i started listing. I'm doing one other challenge besides this one. :)

Feb 1, 2014, 2:59 pm

Welcome, Katiep! I hope you have a great reading year.

Edited: Feb 1, 2014, 3:11 pm

So I'll start my list and just put the dates when I began and finished the books as I go, along with a quick review.

1. The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
2/1/2014 -

2. The Awakening - Kelley Armstrong

3. The Reckoning - Kelley Armstrong

4. The Gathering - Kelley Armstrong

5. The Calling - Kelley Armstrong

6. The Rising - Kelley Armstrong

7. Bitten - Kelley Armstrong

8. Divergent - Veronica Roth

9. Dawn - Octavia Butler

Feb 1, 2014, 7:36 pm

Welcome to the group!

Feb 1, 2014, 7:47 pm

Welcome, happy reading !

Feb 3, 2014, 12:58 am

Thanks guys ^_^

Feb 3, 2014, 2:41 pm

These are the books I read in January :D

1. Close Liaisons - Anna Zaires (Amazon free e-book)
2. Silence - Natasha Preston (Amazon free e-book)
3. Broken Silence - Natasha Preston (Amazon free e-book) (2nd in sereis to Silence)
4. Broken at Love - Lyla Payne (Amazon free e-book)
5. The Fallen Star - Jessica Sorenson (Amazon free e-book)
6. Forbidden Forest - Tenaya Jayne (Amazon free e-book)
7. The Bridesmaid - Hailey Abbott (Library)
8. The Ghost and the Graveyard - Genevieve Jack (Amazon free e-book)
9. The Secrets of Boys - Hailey Abbott (Library)
10. Blood and Snow Vol. 1-4 - RaShelle Workman (Amazon free e-book)
11. Born - Tara Brown (Amazon free e-book)

Edited: Feb 4, 2014, 1:42 pm

February Books :3
I'm just gonna keep the numbers going from January, or else I'll get confused

12. The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
I recommend this series to anybody who liked the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. It's got the same theme going on. An evil company full of scientists expirement on children, enhancing them to make them superhumans. The difference is in the Maximum Ride sereis, the kids grew up in the facility and they were normal human babies. The scientists changed their genes and DNA. In the Darkest Powers series, the kids already have a special power that the doctors just inhance. They grow up normally going to school and stuff, and don't even know what they are until something crazy happens and they get sent to Lyle House, a group home for "mentally disabled" teens. This is the first book in the Darkest Powers series. There are three books. There is actually six books in the full series, but Kelley split it in half. The fourth book is the first in the second series. Those are about a different section of the experiment, and the protagonist is a different girl. I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes the paranormal, but I know if you read the Maximum Ride series and loved it, you'll love this one, too. I plan on rereading Maximum Ride, because I only ever got to the third book and that was over a year ago, so I wanna start from the beginning to refresh my memory of all that has happened.