Radio advertising


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Radio advertising

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May 1, 2014, 7:03 am

As a family, we tend to like to listen to music at breakfast time and we used to listen to Capital Gold, gritting our teeth through the local adverts because we liked the choice of music.
Now this station has gone off air and we have 'Smooth Radio' instead. The tunes are OK but we have a new advert for garage coffee where the man makes engine sounds. I turned it off this morning and missed the local news and weather!

May 1, 2014, 1:25 pm

That's the biggest selling point for BBC Radio!

Oct 18, 2014, 8:27 am

Adverts are intolerable anywhere. I've given up watching/listening to anything but the Beeb, installed ad-blocker on the PC and record and whiz through ads on other stations. They are inutterably stupid and the bane of our society. Don't tell me they are necessary. I pay four times as much to Sky as I do to the BBC each month for the privilege of watching their rubbish.

Oct 22, 2014, 12:55 pm

On TV at least, I believe there's a limit to the time per hour given to advertising. Apart from the fact that ANY is too much, I have a feeling that they fiddle with programme timing so that they can pack more ad time per minute into popular programmes and go easy on the (far too many) rubbish programmes. Where possible, I put what I want to see on a hard disk and fast-forward through the dross when it ends.

It's horrifying to think that so many benighted countries aren't given the choice of no-advert TV. The thought that people actually pay for watching the dross is beyond belief.

Oct 22, 2014, 2:24 pm

>4 CliffordDorset:: It's horrifying to think that so many benighted countries aren't given the choice of no-advert TV. The thought that people actually pay for watching the dross is beyond belief.

Mmm.... I was under the impression that in most countries you didn't have to pay (at least as a tax) for watching TV. And even the wretched "adless" BBC have promotions of their own programmes. But like you we record programmes with ads and watch later.
PS. Just paid my TV "tax" but at reduced rate (I'm 74) and next year it will be zero. But tax or not I'd rather be 60!

Oct 23, 2014, 3:40 am

Can I just share something that absolutely stunned me. There's a telly ad for some furniture store: the sung refrain that goes with it is ... wait for it ... "Sophisticated-boom-boom!" Can't write any more ...

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