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Oct 7, 2016, 6:24 pm

What in your opinion was the greatest ever invention?

Oct 7, 2016, 7:02 pm

I would say electricity. Where would we be without it?

Oct 7, 2016, 9:17 pm

For me, personally, the printing press.

Oct 7, 2016, 9:51 pm

>3 Olivermagnus:
I think the electricity had to come first before the printing press. lol

Edited: Oct 7, 2016, 10:40 pm

>4 EadieB: - I think the printing press was invented before electricity but I don't think there's a "right" answer. Unless maybe it's the wheel, which was revolutionary. I'm sure kids today think the greatest invention was the internet.

Oct 8, 2016, 12:46 am

>5 Olivermagnus:
I think you're right about the printing press not needing electricity. The question does refer to what you think is the best invention ever. That leaves it up to individual tastes not necessarily what was invented first.

Oct 8, 2016, 5:58 am

Who asked this question!!!!!! It's certainly got me thinking and not sure I've come up with an answer yet.
There is the wheel, the printing press, electricity, antibiotics, fire, steam power, flight, the light bulb and these are just a few things that come to mind!

Here's an interesting article of the top 10:

And these ones:



Edited: Oct 8, 2016, 8:43 am

Interesting sites, Andrew.

I believe they were all "greatest inventions" in and for their times and we certainly depend on most still for our daily comfort and well being. I don't think we can take just one and say that it was the greatest in itself alone. I know I don't want to do without electricity. The printing press didn't need electricity to operate but I sure need electricity to power the light to read what it prints:)

Oct 8, 2016, 9:31 am

Where should one start - without agriculture and domestication our whole civilization would never have reached the point we're at. One thing builds on the next.

Oct 8, 2016, 9:32 am

>7 Andrew-theQM: Interesting sites.

Oct 8, 2016, 10:57 am

>7 Andrew-theQM: - Those sites were very educational too.

Oct 8, 2016, 10:59 am

>1 Andrew-theQM: I'm taking "in your opinion" as the key words to this question, Andrew, so IMO, the greatest invention is a split decision between the written word and the printing press... Otherwise we wouldn't be reading and discussing this book, lol.

Oct 8, 2016, 11:48 am

On the flip side - what would each of us choose for the worst ever invention?

Mine would have to be the mobile phone (cellular phone?).

Oct 8, 2016, 11:55 am

>13 Sergeirocks: I think I second that, it certainly seems to have increased stress levels, and if someone can't get hold of you straight away they certainly get mardy!

Oct 8, 2016, 12:56 pm

To me, the greatest invention is the wheel because it started it all. However, I agree about all the other inventions mentioned. All can be considered "the greatest". How can one possibly choose?

As to the worst. My choice is the personal computer. and the internet Too much depersonalization. It's all email, text, Facebook... Even since they started letter writing has taken a hit. I can't recall the last time I got a letter from a friend or relative. I really miss a scripted letter or card one can keep. A computer generated birthday card is just not the same! It's a double edged sword though, I can easily see someone saying they're the greatest invention--and it's hard to disagree. I love the easy access to information

As to the cell phone, it's also a double edged sword. I can't believe how our parents let us children out of the house everyday having no means of communicating with us! Yes, it was safer then, but not safe enough. Being able to contact a loved one at any time is a blessing!

Oct 8, 2016, 1:12 pm

I think there are too many bad ones to choose from. I'll go with the atomic bomb.

Oct 8, 2016, 2:13 pm

I'd also have to say the atom bomb and all other nucular weapons.