Blaise Pascal to be beatified?

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Blaise Pascal to be beatified?

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Jul 11, 2017, 8:08 am

Apparently, Pope Francis is in favour of having French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal (of the eponymous wager) beatified. Here's what I think is the original interview for Italian newspaper La Repubblica: Scalfari intervista Francesco. I couldn't find anything in English, unfortunately. Instead, here are a couple of articles in French (Pascal was French, and he's widely studied in school, which is why this piece of news is everywhere in French media), one from La Croix - a leading catholic newspaper: Faut-il béatifier Blaise Pascal (the Catholic interviewee thinks Pascal should be beatified, the Protestant interviewee thinks the concept of beatification itself is absurd), and one from Le Monde - a well-respected French newspaper : Le pape François pense à béatifier Blaise Pascal (Pascal's beatification would be ironic because although he did have a mystical revelation and he was clearly very religious, he was a Jansenist (the Vatican rejected Jansenism), he was pretty critical of Jesuits, and some of his writing was banned by the Vatican.)
So, what do you think?