2017 Giller Prize

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2017 Giller Prize

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Oct 2, 2017, 1:11 pm

The Shortlist is

Rachel Cusk for her novel Transit
Ed O'Loughlin for his novel Minds of Winter
Michael Redhill for his novel Bellevue Square
Eden Robinson for her novel Son of a Trickster
Michelle Winters for her novel I am a Truck

Nov 20, 2017, 9:13 am

The " Shadow Giller" jury run on the website " KevinfromCanada" has just given the Shadow Giller to Michael Redhill for Bellevue Square. This jury is made up of book bloggers who have carried on the tradition started by KevinfromCanada who died last year( or two years ago). Mrs KfC agreed to the website continuing with bloggers who had made up the jury in past years carrying on the Shadow Giller . The reviews of all the shortlist books are found either on the KevinfromCanada website or links to the bloggers own sites.
We will see tonight who wins the real Giller!( on CBC television, radio and website)

Nov 20, 2017, 10:16 am

Oh! I didn't know about KevinfromCanada's death. He was one of the leading contributors in the Discussion forum on the Booker Prize web site, before the organization shut down the Discussion page after withering criticism from the contributors after the insipid 2011 longlist was announced. I valued KfC's thoughtful comments in that group, and I'm sure that those who followed him more closely than I also mourned his loss in the Mookse and the Gripes group, where the Booker discussion migrated to after 2011.

Nov 20, 2017, 10:25 pm

The 2017 Giller Prize goes to Michael Redhill for Bellevue Square.