Stardust: Interesting/difficult scenes to illustrate

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Stardust: Interesting/difficult scenes to illustrate

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Jun 27, 2018, 10:49 am

Stardust was originally written as an illustrated/graphic novel edition, with artist Charles Vess. Gaiman has mentioned having written some scenes into the book primarily to see how Vess would paint them. Which scenes do you think those are?

Jun 29, 2018, 1:45 pm

Oh, this is tough to think of without having the graphic novel to check (I really want to know what these illustrations are, now!).

A few of my guesses:
- The woods of Faerie
- The unicorn and the lion
- Yvaine and Tristran in the clouds

There's so many I would love to see illustrated...but these seem like scenes easily added into the book just for Vess's sake. :)

Jul 1, 2018, 1:22 am

The harbor-tree where Tristan and Yvaine got off the sky-ship.
It was only mentioned in passing, but described as holding "hundreds of dwellings" inhabited with "people and dwarfs, by gnomes and sylvans and other, even queerer, folk."

Jul 2, 2018, 1:38 pm

>3 dougb56586: Ohh, that would be a great scene to illustrate. I'd love to see all of the different characters.