OT-- The Star Wars Archives 1977-1983 XXL

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OT-- The Star Wars Archives 1977-1983 XXL

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Edited: Dec 3, 2018, 8:14 pm

The Star Wars Archives book by Taschen has just arrived on their website. What a wonderful Christmas gift for the Star Wars fan! The retail price is $200, and I'm sure it will be as fabulous as their other Archives books. (Amazon will not have it until Dec. 15, and they have it priced at $180.) I own the XXL Disney, James Bond, and Charlie Chaplin Archives, and they are wonderful. Be forewarned, they are large and heavy--SW is 16.2 x 11.8 and 604 pages! Archives on Pedro Almodovar, Stanley Kubrick, and Igmar Bergman are also available.

If you don't want to spend that kind of money, all of the above mentioned (except SW), have eventually been published in a smaller version, and sell used on Ebay for $30-$40, so I'm sure Star Wars will eventually be available at that price.

I rather doubt EP will ever reproduce this, so if you're into SW, this is THE book. Also, Taschen calls this the first volume, so there will be more to come!

PS Taschen also does XXL art books, which are the most beautiful art books ever seen. In fact, the current Klimt from EP seems to be a MUCH smaller copy of Taschen's.

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