I'm a library intern and need advice

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I'm a library intern and need advice

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Feb 18, 2019, 2:53 pm

Hi, I am Brian and I am doing my practicum in my last semester. This request is in three parts:
1) I have been tasked with moving all or most of the Indiana History shelves to a blank shelf on the same floor. Any ideas on a shelf design for this? The materials will not all fit on the shelves, I'm afraid. There are antique rate books, law books, population stat books, books on the Potawatomi Indian presence and the British colonial presence in the late 18th c.

2) No newspapers, that is downstairs in the basement with a different collection in an ancient glassed in bookcase. How do I make these shelves compatible on different floors? One design on the fourth floor and another in the basement. It's a four floor Carnegie with no elevator so we've been moving books old school by the armload.

3) There is also a very cool donated collection of original works of LCDR JT Woodson (USN) (totaling approx 1000 pages of typewritten/copied papers, reports and correspondence) on the cold war, the US response to Soviet armament and US-Soviet advances spanning 1966-1988. It's a fascinating look at one consultant/analyst's view of the cold war from inside the Military Industrial Complex. Apparently, Woodson grew up at this library and decided to donate his collection. I've only inventoried one Expando-file so far-there are four more to go. The materials read like early Tom Clancy-the jist of these materials is clear, the US grossly overestimated the strength and readiness of the Soviet blue water navy in the 1970s and 80s.

Should this be by itself under a US-Soviet Cold War signage or just under history?

Ten standard book shelves upstairs, and the ancient wooden and glass bookcase in the basement is 5 feet long by 3.5 feet tall, three static wooden shelves four doors and one divider midway.

Any ideas on collection integrity and cool signage? Assume the ultra-tight budget of a small library with little patronage. Thanks!!

Feb 18, 2019, 3:32 pm

Talk to the archivist at your local historical society for techniques to create finders guides. This is a multi year job in my humble opinion and will require an additional significant amount of cataloging IF there is any advantage to it. The archivist can either provide environmental requirements or direct you to someone for guidance.