What Do Famous People’s Bookshelves Reveal?

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What Do Famous People’s Bookshelves Reveal?

May 4, 2020, 11:21 am

Several people from a wide swath of life (admittedly mostly Americans), and what we can see on their bookshelves as they are interviewed from home during the pandemic.


May 16, 2020, 8:47 am

I’ve been watching those bookshelves too. It seems the more sciencey folks have a lot of technical/reference books. The sports guys have books on sports. Stephen Colbert has books from people who have been on his shows to promote their books. The same for Trevor Noah. Some shelving seems to be staged but the ones that are spontaneous chaos are the most fun to look at.

May 18, 2020, 1:13 pm

I think multiple fun social media things have popped up lately. The one I like is Bookcase Credibility on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BCredibility

Edited: May 23, 2020, 4:13 pm

I'm not saying it's definitely staged but that journalist sounds like a rube for not even entertaining the possibility.

Apr 13, 2022, 9:30 am

Computer, show me the bookshelves of someone who never reads: