Adding digital books when physical exists


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Adding digital books when physical exists

May 21, 2020, 1:07 am

Hi. I'm new to LT, and not sure what the best practice is when adding digital comics to LT.

Is the best practice when adding a digital copy of a book to just add the physical copy that's already on LT, then manually edit my copy of the book to change the format to ebook and the ISBN to the digital ISBN?
Or is it to add a new edition of the book using the digital ISBN...and then merge the digital edition with the existing physical edition?

I added Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1 by searching for the digital ISBN, then saw that there's another edition on the site that has an ebook tag on it. But to further complicate things, if I go to the physical edition of it Something is Killing the Children and click on the link, it shows me two editions, one of them with the digital ISBN.

Any help for a confused newbie?

May 21, 2020, 3:45 am

I would add the digital copy (with digital ISBN) if possible. If not I would add the physical and change the ISBN and format. Then I would combine with the right LT work if needed.

You talk about another edition with the ebook tag on it - that may be so. It might be due to combination, or it might be due to someone adding a physical copy and editing.

As you probably know comics are one of the more difficult areas. Some comics do not appear in a source you can add from. You have to consider individual issues as well as the collected trades.