COVID Update

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COVID Update

Apr 20, 2021, 9:39 am

The Auburn (Maine) Public Library is open on a very limited basis: minimal number of customers in to browse for 1/2 hour, minimal number of pubic access computers for 1 hour 2x/week, curbside lending. And, you?

Edited: Apr 20, 2021, 10:18 am

All Edmonton Public Library branches are closed to access. No going in, no browsing, no computer use. However, they're offering curbside pickup for holds. When my holds come in I get the usual email. I go to my preferred branch, phone to tell them that I want to pick up my hold(s), and give them my library card number. They find my book(s), check them out and bring them out to the table in front of the door, from which I can grab them.

Of course, all their onliine services are available to people like me who have computers at home, and I can download ebooks to my heart's content. It's hard on the people who rely on them for computer access, though.

Apr 20, 2021, 10:14 am

In Chicago, our libraries are all open, with a few differences. Patron numbers are limited, books must be returned in the dropbox (rather than inside) and are quarantined for a few days. Visits are time-limited, seating is reduced, and, of course, masks are required.

Apr 20, 2021, 11:04 am

In Vienna we are in hard lockdown until at least May 3. Libraries are closed, but we can order books to pick up.

Apr 20, 2021, 11:04 am

Southern Maryland, most are at full open status, however, social distancing and masks are still required.

Edited: Apr 21, 2021, 10:25 pm

Closer to DC, curbside service only. Enoch Pratt Library system in Baltimore is allowing a limited number of patrons inside with time limits.

Apr 21, 2021, 10:47 pm

Looks like main libraries (2) in Chester County, PA are going back to 7 days/wk on 1 June but don't know about restricted times, services, etc. All other libraries in county, about 20, are on their own so one must wait and see.

Apr 22, 2021, 7:55 am

In Central VA, our system is currently open almost full hours for curbside service and a limited number of in-building appointments for browsing or computer use. Appointments are 45 minutes each, social distancing and masks required. We are looking at mid to late May as a tentative goal to move to dropping appointments but limiting numbers of people in the building at one time, keeping the mask and distancing requirements. We will still have no in-person programming. No toys or puzzles out in the Children's area. And our toys, Maker, and Health kits will still not circulate. All returns are through outside book drops. We're quarantining returns for one day. Thorough cleaning of high touch surfaces once a day.

Edited: Apr 22, 2021, 1:14 pm

We are open as usual as of last week, (with masks required, except for programs/public meetings/other large gatherings, no children's area etc, limited furniture, and the option to close the doors if the building gets crowded, though we don't really foresee that happening.) We still have fewer evening hours, which they've said are going to stay at least until the public meeting rooms are back to normal.

Our leadership made sure that all staff members had access to at least their first vaccination before we reopened (most of us are getting our second last week or this week) so I feel mostly okay about it, especially since most of our customers are also being careful still.

Apr 24, 2021, 6:48 am

All libraries back open in the UK! (And bookshops.)

May 28, 2021, 12:50 pm

As of Jun 1st the library where I work will be open our pre-pandemic hours. Yikes. 64 hours a week (well, until we close on Sat. for the Summer)

To be fair, by the second or third week of June the staff will be 90% vaccinated. So...

Not sure if our patrons will be careful or not. We're having to now 'Recommend' masks instead of Require them. Which sorta sucks. But, we are allowed to ask any person we will be helping in closer quarters to wear a mask (and we wear one too). We'll see how that goes.... *roll eyes*

May 31, 2021, 12:03 pm

It has been a while since I've looked at this site. I work at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library (Kansas, USA) and we have been through various 'phases' over this past year. We have been at our full hours with public returning since January. 2020 was our 150th anniversary 'celebration year' which was greatly curtailed, but we managed. This will be a year to remember.
We are now at the least restricted phase of this whole process. As of June 1 we will no longer be requiring masks but strongly 'recommending' them. Still trying to stay distanced, no restrictions on browsing and have, for several weeks now, not been placing items into quarantine.
My area (outreach to homebound and seniors) will go back to our pre-COVID schedule of in person deliveries every two weeks (we had been doing curbside with staff every month), our Bookmobiles (we don't have branches) begin their regular schedule as well.
We are still limiting the number of people in our meeting rooms (they are open to the public for use) and still will not be doing any in-person programming, just the online and virtual that we have been doing.
Holds have been strictly curbside pick up but will now be walk in mainly, curbside still an option but several hoops to navigate to do so.
On a side note, I am also a musician and play with the local symphony orchestra. We were able to hold a complete season this year (our 75th anniversary season) with some modifications. We were in a different venue as our usual one was closed to public use (at the local University). We had limited seating for audience, in fact 3 of the 7 concerts were done without any audience in attendance, and did a live stream of the concert (paid of course). Distancing and masks for the performers (which was difficult for those of us who play wind instruments) was enforced. We were one of very few symphonies who performed last season, and of those were part of the 'elite' who played the entire season and had some audience in attendance. We had one person drop out after one rehearsal feeling ill and NO transmission of the virus.

Edited: Jun 9, 2021, 11:14 am

Many county public library systems here in the metro DC/Baltimore area are expanding library services with some to no capacity limits. Masks are required inside.

Jun 5, 2021, 8:32 pm

Anne Arundel outside Baltimore is now basically back to normal, except for meeting rooms and in-person programming.

Jun 7, 2021, 3:22 am

Denmark: mostly back to normal opening hours. Locally we have opened for self-service too (6.00 - 22.00 every day) but require mask, valid covid-passport and ID. Meeting rooms still not open.