Bookish Events, Week of April 14-20

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Bookish Events, Week of April 14-20

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Apr 15, 2008, 9:29 am

Thursday, April 17
Fiction & Latte Weekly Book Discussion - Topic TBA
6:00 pm SLT @ Fiction & Latte Coffee House

Fiction & Latte book discussion are always lively and often off-beat. Mostly they are a lot of fun.

Friday, April 18
Illuminated Manuscripts Lecture by Una Renard
6:00 pm SLT @ The Library in Caledon

While we normally think of books as being private objects, the lavishly illuminated Bibbia di Borso was intended as a very public expression of princely magnificence and piety intended to win favor with the Pope. This 15th-century Bible also served as a reflection of the magnificence of his court as a whole. We will explore the complex relationship between Borso as patron, this bible, and the courtly space of the library as they're elucidated by the illuminations within the Bibbia.

Saturday, April 19
Bookstacks Trivia Game - Death & Taxes
12 noon SLT The Bookstacks

Simeon Beresford will be asking book-related trivia questions about the inevitable Death & Taxes. He always has a unique take on topics. Costumes are encouraged. Winner takes home $250 lindens.

Byron Discussion @ The Poet's Corner
2:00 pm SLT @ InfoIsland (11th Floor of the Bell Tower Building)

Join Abbey Zenith for an informal discussion of Byron's poetry and maybe a bit about his scandalous life.

Sunday, April 20
Poems & Pints @ Bookstacks
11:00 am SLT @ Bookstacks

In honor of the U.S. National Poetry month (, Bookstacks is hosting Poems & Pints. Bring some of your favorite poems to share with the group - The Bookstacks is providing the pints!