Tuesday Thingers Has a New Home


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Tuesday Thingers Has a New Home

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Edited: Dec 30, 2008, 1:18 am

Hi Everyone,

I hope you will join me on Wendi's Book Corner as I continue to host Tuesday Thinger now that Marie has decided not to host it any longer. I've got the first post (and a huge thank you to Marie) up here:


If you are new to LT I hope you will join us, and if you've been here a while, I hope you will share some pearls of wisdom with us as we explore!

~ Wendi

Jan 8, 2009, 8:51 am

Ah Ha! Ok I shall join in next week and thanks for posting this, nice to see TT didn't stop altogether.

Jan 8, 2009, 11:03 am

Good, I didn't find you this Tuesday until I didn't have a chance to write anything, but next week...

Jan 14, 2009, 12:27 pm

I have been so bad about keeping up with the weekly blog postings- though in my defense, I've been bad about reading in general and definitely about keeping up with reading groups (even on LT). However, I am resolved to be better in 2009. So, hopefully next Tuesday, I'll get back on Tuesday Thingers! I would at least like to have double digit blog followers, anyway ;-) That makes me feel special and important. Haha.

Hope everyone is having a good 2009 and here's hoping I can be back in touch with a bunch of you soon!

Nov 3, 2009, 3:33 pm

Hey! Just a post to remind you that the Tuesday Thinger meme, where we discuss little known, at least to us, features of Library Thing, is alive and well at Wendi's Book Corner!

Stop by to read this week's question, add your input and make a suggestion for another topic.
Several posters will include pictures of cute animals!! ;-)

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