The 1764 Catalogue of the Redwood LIbrary Company at Newport, Rhode Island

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The 1764 Catalogue of the Redwood LIbrary Company at Newport, Rhode Island

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Jan 14, 2009, 8:42 am


I picked up a copy of this book yesterday at the Book Shop in Fort Lauderdale. In 1747, Abraham Redwood gave £500 Sterling to create a "publick library." It is the third library formed in the American Colonies. The catalogue contains 867 listings of 1500 books.

I'll be cataloging the Boswell and Hyde libraries before I even think of cataloging this one. If you want to catalog it sooner, I can send you my copy. There are several copies on the web for less than $20.


Jan 14, 2009, 9:05 am

I've got a copy, thanks Jerry! It's "on the list," I'm just trying to work on individuals before institutions, for the most part.