Dust Jacket Clear...Cellophane?

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Dust Jacket Clear...Cellophane?

Jan 16, 2009, 3:12 pm

I use to buy my use books from a great use books store that is now out of business. One of the great things they did was cover the dust jacket with this clear crinkly material. I don't know whether it was cellophane or plastic or what? Would anyone know where to get this stuff and what it is called.

I am sure a little more description may help. The material is clear. They would fold it over top of the dust jacket. So it is not bonded to anything. When it is folded, it stays folded, there is a un-removable crease in it, once folded. If you were to wad it up into a ball it would make a horrible crinkly noise to rival nail on a chalk board.

Any ideas?

Jan 16, 2009, 3:57 pm

What you are describing are called book jacket covers, and you can buy them from library suppliers like http://www.gaylordmart.com/ - search on "book jacket cover"

They come in a roll (one will last the rest of your life), and you cut off enough for your book and fold it to fit the size of the book jacket.

Jan 16, 2009, 4:51 pm

It's probably Mylar.

We've got some much-older books from used-book stores that have it loosely wrapped around the cover.

I've got several different sized rolls of what staffordcastle is talking about. I'm on my 2nd roll of the 10" stuff, but I'm covering ALL of my books that have dust jackets (eventually).

My late father-in-law had lots of his dust jackets laminated on both sides. DO NOT EVER DO THAT!!! Certain colors heat up the plastic more than others, and eventually the lamination separates and takes the ink off the paper.

Jan 16, 2009, 5:34 pm


Thanks. I was worried no one was still watching this group!

Jan 16, 2009, 5:38 pm


Thanks. I was worried no one was still watching this group!

That place is AWESOME! They still sell book cards! They sell card catalog cabinets! Man, I thought those were extinct!

Jan 16, 2009, 5:56 pm


You don't have to be a library to order from them, either!

Feb 5, 2010, 7:13 pm

I don't like them. When I get books from library sales they always tape the crinkly crap on and I have to tear it off.

Feb 8, 2010, 11:18 pm

What do you use on books that don't have a dust jacket?

Dec 8, 2010, 10:07 am

How about these? They can be used for books with or without dust jackets.

Feb 14, 2011, 1:13 am

Several companies offer dust jacket protectors. The principal ones are Gaylord (already mentioned), BroDart, and Demco. I prefer to get the Demco PaperFold or SuperFold products in 300' rolls in boxes. Usually the 10" and 12" sizes cover most books. The SuperFold has heavier plastic which is useful for larger sizes.

For books without jackets, I have seen people use these type of covers but they are not especially effective. If you are truly dedicated, you can make clear plastic dust jackets out of 3 mil or 5 mil Mylar plastic. This usually comes in large four ft-wide rolls and is fairly expensive. However, it is an archival-grade material and can be very effective if properly cut and creased to form a protective dust jacket.

James Keeline

Edited: Aug 14, 2011, 11:24 am

I've always been partial to Brodart Just a Fold archival book covers. I get them in pre-cut sheets now but when I went through a massive book covering project the rolls were more economical.

Oct 8, 2020, 5:07 pm

I buy 50 foot long rolls of Dura-Lar. It's much cheaper than buying individual Brodart covers.