Red Nose Day - a British instiitution


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Red Nose Day - a British instiitution

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Mar 13, 2009, 6:48 pm

I have always loved Red Nose Day with its mixture of humour and ambition to help vulnerable people in the UK and Third World.

Has it now become one of those much-loved British institutions?


Mar 14, 2009, 12:31 pm

Yes, I would say it, and Children in Need, in November, have become so. We had homemade cakes being sold at work and someone their hair off for charity.

Mar 14, 2009, 1:37 pm

My 11-year-old did a kiddies rock concert and a raffle. I had some T-in-the-park tickets to auction. It was fab. The best thing about it, is it is so much fun. The TV was just fab. I was up until 2pm and that is so unlike me. I especially like Victorian Dragons Den. I was thrilled it raised so much money. Two years ago I was worried it was running out of steam.


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