References & Links

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References & Links

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Edited: Oct 10, 2009, 9:40 pm

Some reference works, essays, biographies, lit crit books, etc. (in no particular order):

All This Reading: The Literary World of Barbara Pym - Frauke Elisabeth Lenckos & Ellen J. Miller (eds.)

Twentieth Century Women Novelists - Thomas F. Staley.

The Life and Work of Barbara Pym - Dale Salwak.

Social Dimensions in the Novels of Barbara Pym - Orna Raz (2007).

No Soft Incense: Barbara Pym and the Church - Hazel K Bell (ed.) (2004).

Reading Barbara Pym - Deborah Donato (2003).

Modern British Women Writers - Vicki K. Janik (2002).

‘Barbara Pym’ in Passions of the mind - A.S. Byatt (1991).

A Lot to Ask: A Life of Barbara Pym - Hazel Holt (1990).

"Barbara Pym and Anthony Trollope: Communities of Imaginative Participation" in Pacific Coast Philology, Vol. 19, No. 1/2 (Nov. 1984), pp. 95-100 - K.B. Heberlein.

Dramatised Pym - Hazel Bell ("Green Leaves", Vol. 4 No. 1, March 1988, page 7).

Barbara Pym’s Affectionate Irony - Betty Smartt Carter ("First Things").

Classic Cafes/Rendez~Vous, - Richard Gray.

Two English lady novelists: the ATS and the BPS - Hazel Bell ("Green Leaves", Vol. 3 No. 1, March 1997).

Barbara Pym Walking Tour - Ellen Miller (N.B. This is a large (9.7Mb) pdf file).

Barbara Pym Conference Papers, April 2008.

Oct 14, 2009, 8:10 pm

I will add this little critical book that I picked up recently:

Something to Love: Barbara Pym's Novels by Diana Benet (1986).

Oct 14, 2009, 9:20 pm

This is all very helpful. Thank you, Digi and Cario. *rubbing hands gleefully* Must do some Pymish research!

May 13, 2010, 5:39 pm

Thanks for this list. I see that Orna Raz's book is available at prices from £90 upwards. Obviously a rarity already and makes me want even more to read it!