GLCC Library of Pittsburgh seeks donattions

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GLCC Library of Pittsburgh seeks donattions

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Nov 21, 2009, 6:18 pm

Hello My LT Friend,

I recently became the chair of the Library Committee at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh. If you are ever in the mood to weed your library we'd like to have any of your items that might be of GLBT interest. We're looking for books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, directories, etc. If you send us duplicate items we'll put them in our book sale. We're also starting a lending collection of adult (XXX) DVDs and video. Send those to us if you are so inclined.

We'll reimburse you for your costs if you ship via US Mail. We'll also send you a letter acknowledging the value of your contribution for tax purposes.

Check out the GLCC Library here on LT and become a fan of the GLCC Library on FaceBook.

I hope you'll consider donating to the GLCC Library of Pittsburgh.




If you can't donate to us please donate to your local GLBT Library. I'm sure they need your help too.