I want a job in the UK!


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I want a job in the UK!

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Edited: Jan 11, 2010, 6:36 am

Hi everyone!

I've already posted a message on another forum here but I'm doing it again! I'm a French student doing my first year of MA and I'll be a trainee this year for 4 months. I'd like to settle in England this year, basically as soon as my schoolyear is over. I'd like to find a job in a library (whatever it is), preferably in the South-East of the country but I can't be too picky... Would any of you advise me anything to find a job? Should I send letters to lots of libraries, should I take 2 weeks off and go there to ask them myself? I need help, I really need to find a job this year!

thanks in advance for your answers!

Jan 29, 2010, 10:49 am

Library jobs are run by councils, and because councils are usually on a tight budget and want to get rid of people, plus libraries aren't the busiest places in the world, so if there isn't a vancancy free they won't employ anyone. (I used to work in a library btw).
Usually councils list jobs on their website, here is a link to the City of London website with librarian jobs http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/JobOpps/vacancy/vacancies.aspx
I hope you find one!

Jan 29, 2010, 12:04 pm

How about trying university and college libraries? (Though they might not recruit at the end of the student year.)

Jan 29, 2010, 4:21 pm

University libraries recruit all the time, depending on budgets and other staff leaving. Often part time or short contracts though.

Try getting in touch with employment agencies eg Sue Hill Recruitment (with them, tell them Liz Broomfield sent you) as they may be able to offer advice.

Good luck!

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