Brand New Chick Lit Group!

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Brand New Chick Lit Group!

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Jun 17, 2010, 6:23 pm


If anyone is looking to be in a Chick Lit and Chick Flick Club, you can check my new group out!

This group is for anyone--male and female--who loves chick books and chick films. We will watch and discuss both. There will be a monthly chick lit to read, and a monthly suggested chick flick to watch.

Lits to read will be voted on by group members beginning every 15th of the month, to be read starting on the first and read in the following month.

Flicks to watch will be simply suggested as soon as they come out, reviews read, and encouraged to go see the film. Most suggested flicks will be new--first run films.

Since this group is brand new, I'll start off the first book without members voting, to get settled in and until we get enough people to do serious voting. This first group vote will start now and voting ends July 31, to be read and discussed during the month of August.

I hope this board picks up. Chick Lit needs to survive!

Take care!